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Directory of Major Investment Projects in Huzhou 2014
Project Title
Total Investment
Project Site
Geo Information Industrial Park
Sci-tech Service
800 million
Biopharmaceutical Industry Park
1000 million
Equipment Manufacturing Industry Park
800 million
Electronics and IT Industrial Park
160 million
General Aviation Industrial Base
800 million
E-commerce Park Projects
200 million
Industrial Park for Equipment Manufacturing and New Energy Industry
140 million
Ornamental Stone Cultural Park
50 million
Healthcare and Elderly Care Service Base
800 million
Zhebei Commercial Square Project
300 million
Auto Electronics Project
43 million
Machinery Manufacturing Project
30 million
Cars and Auto Parts Manufacturing Project
30 million
General Aviation Industrial Base
220 million
Bamboo Sea Resort
240 million
Advanced Machinery Equipment and Parts Manufacturing
100 million
Branded Apparel Production Project
Textile and Apparels
50 million
Multimedia Industrial Park
Service Outsourcing
80 million
Modern Logistics Equipment Manufacturing Park
450 million
Manufacturing Industry Investment Project
150 million
Partnership for Elevator Brand with Zhejiang Yili Elevator Co., Ltd.
20 million
Large Marine Parts Manufacturing
160 million
Special Miniature Motors Manufacturing
30 million
Elevator Parts Manufacturing
40 million
Steel Materials Distribution Facilities
480 million
New Energy Electric Vehicles
300 million
Development Zone
Medical Rehabilitation and Nursing Instruments
20 million
Development Zone
Heavy Construction Machinery
60 million
Development Zone
Biopharmaceutical Industry Park
300 million
Development Zone
Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Industry Park
200 million
Development Zone
International School
30 million
Taihu Lake Resort
High End Healthcare and Elderly Care Project
25 million
Taihu Lake Resort
項目名稱:地理信息產業園 項目所屬行業:科學技術服務業 項目落戶地:德清縣 項目背景及建設條件: 為抓住國家將發展地理信息產業列入“十二五”發展規劃綱要的重要契機,浙江省測繪與地理信息局和德清縣人民政府緊緊依托省委省政府高度重視地理信息產業發展、未來地理信息技術需求旺盛和浙江民資豐裕等眾多有利條件,2011年5月,德清縣人民政府與省測繪與地理信息局協議共建“浙江省地理信息產業園”?!爱a業園”落戶在科技新城核心區塊,分三期規劃面積1970畝,一期占地面積約508畝?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 國遙地塊完成樁基工程,進行樁基開挖;浙大智慧谷(德清智創科技城項目)開始樁基施工?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 按照一年起步,三年初具規模,五年全面建成“產業園”的建設發展目標,浙江省地理信息產業園計劃五年內力爭完成投資100億元,引進各類地理信息企業100家以上,實現年銷售收入300億元、年利稅30億元,從業人員2萬人以上,努力將“浙江省地理信息產業園”建設成國家級地理信息產業園,成為帶動長三角、輻射全國、影響世界的地理信息產業基地?! 『献鲀热菖c要求: 企業自建,聯建,購置等多種方式購地購房建設辦公場所?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 可以提供稅收、土地、住房、服務等多方面的優惠?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 德清科技新城由德清科技新城管委會下屬公司德清聯創科技新城建設有限公司具體開發建設。公司注冊資本3億元人民幣,是國有獨資公司?! ÷撓等耍哄X 江 聯系電話:0572-8886191 傳真:0572-8886190 E-mail:28766360@qq.com 通訊地址:浙江省德清縣武康鎮曲園路198號科技新城管委會 郵編:313200
Project No. 01
Project: Geographical Information Industry Park Industry: Science and Technology Service Sector Project Site: Deqing County Project Background and Conditions: In order to grasp the important opportunities that the state has listed the development of geographical information industry into the twelfth five-year development plan, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Survey and Geo-information and Deqing County Government jointly proposed to set up Zhejiang provincial geo-information industrial park in May 2011. The project will be settled in the kernel area of Sci-tech New City in Deqing, and built in three phases with a planned area of 1970 mu. The first phase covers a land area of 508 mu. Project Progress: The state remote sensing land block has finished pile foundation work and the pile foundation construction for the project called Zheda Wisdom Valley in Deqing Zhichuang Sci-Tech City has kicked off. Plan of Implementation: According to the project development plan that the project starts up in one year, takes shape in three years and finishes the construction of the industrial park in five years, Zhejiang provincial geo-information industrial park plans to accomplish an investment of RMB 10 billion, introduce more than 100 various geo-information enterprises, achieve an annual sales amount of RMB 30 billion, annual taxation of RMB 3 billion and employment of more than 20,000 people, and strives to build into a national-level one which will drive the geo-information industry in Yangtze River Delta, which is influencing in China and even in the world. Co-operation Form: The enterprises may build the office buildings by themselves, build in collaboration with other companies or purchase the office buildings. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The industrial park can offer a series of preferential conditions on taxation, land and housing etc. to the enterprises settled in the park. Status of Chinese Partner: Deqing Lianchuang Sci-tech New City Construction Co., Ltd., a state owned enterprise with a registered asset of RMB 300 million, is an affiliate of Deqing Sci-tech New City Administrative Committee. The company is committed to the development and construction of the project. Correspondence: Contact Person: Qian Jiang Telephone: 0572-8886191 Fax: 0572-8886190 E-mail: 28766360@qq.com Address: 198 Quyuan Road, Wukang Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province 313200 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:生物醫藥產業園區項目 項目所屬行業:生物醫藥 項目落戶地:德清縣 項目背景及建設條件: 德清生物醫藥產業起步于20世紀80年代。2008年8月和2009年9月,德清生物醫藥產業基地分別被國家科技部和商務部命名為“國家火炬計劃德清生物醫藥特色產業基地”和“生物與醫藥國家科技興貿創業基地”。2010年9月,浙江省人民政府將德清生物醫藥產業集群列入浙江省塊狀經濟向現代產業集群轉型升級示范區。至2011年底,全縣規模以上生物醫藥企業達74家,完成產值103.5億元?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: “十二五”期間,為打造“長三角生物醫藥谷”,在德清經濟開發區(高新區)東北側設立德清縣生物醫藥產業園。園區規劃面積約10平方公里,一期實施2平方公里,規劃期限為2012—2015年;二期實施3平方公里,規劃期限為2016—2020年;三期實施5平方公里?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 園區規劃面積約10平方公里,一期實施2平方公里,規劃期限為2012—2015年;二期實施3平方公里,規劃期限為2016—2020年;三期實施5平方公里。項目總投資10億美元。項目生物醫藥產業的研發、中試及生產?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:園區鼓勵外商在生物醫藥產業園區內設立獨資或合資企業,從事生物醫藥產業的研發、中試及生產?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 扶持政策:《德清縣人民政府關于進一步加快生物與醫藥特色產業基地建設的若干意見》、《鼓勵工業企業集聚發展的意見》、《關于加快培育生物醫藥產業集群的意見》《德清生物醫藥產業集群示范區轉型升級實施方案》。優惠政策:外商投資企業財政獎勵政策、優強企業財政獎勵政策、高新技術企業財政獎勵政策、企業上市財政獎勵政策、重大項目視情況實行“一廠一策”或“一事一議”政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 德清經濟開發區成立于1992年7月,是省級開發區,隸屬湖州市德清縣。2007年6月,開發區管理體制調整完畢,行政區域面積43.8 平方公里,目前建成區面積 10.2 平方公里,三期11.2 平方公里正委托浙江省城鄉規劃設計研究院進行規劃設計,首期拓展1平方公里已經啟動。 聯系人:楊凱 聯系電話:0572-8067313 傳真: 0572-8061355 E-mail:68138300@qq.com 通訊地址:浙江德清武康鎮長虹中街198號 郵編:313200
Project No. 02
Project: Biopharmaceutical Industry Park Industry: Biopharmaceutical Project Site: Deqing County Project Background and Conditions: Deqing’s Biopharmaceutical industry started in 1980’s. In August 2008 and September 2009, Deqing biopharmaceutical industry base was named by the state ministry of Sci-tech and the state ministry of commerce as the State Torch Program Deqing biopharmaceutical industry base and the state technological innovation base of biopharmaceutical industry. In September 2010, the biopharmaceutical industry cluster in Deqing county was listed in the transformation and escalation demonstration plot from massive economic to modern industrial cluster in Zhejiang province by the provincial government. By the year end of 2011, there had been 74 biopharmaceutical companies above designated size in the county with an annual output of RMB 10.35 billion. Project Progress: During the twelfth five-year, the biopharmaceutical industry park was set up in the northeastern corner of Deqing economic development zone. The industrial park covers an area of 10 km2, and the first phase an area of 2 km2 will be developed from 2012 to 2015. The second phase will implement an area of 3 km2 from 2016 to 2020, while the third phase will develop an area of 5 km2. Plan of Implementation: The implementation of the project will give priorities to developing biopharmaceutical sector, and develop bio-product industry vigorously and boost the development of medical instrument manufacturing sector. Co-operation Form: The park encourages R&D, mid-term test and production of biopharmaceutical industry. The investors may set up their companies in the park in the form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: A series of supporting and preferential policies offered by the local government are available, such as the policies regarding further expediting the construction of biopharmaceutical industry base promulgated by Deqing county government, the announcement of encouraging the industrial firms to agglomerate and develop, the circular with regard to expediting the development of biopharmaceutical industry cluster and the implementation program on the transformation and escalation of the demonstration zone for biopharmaceutical industry cluster in Deqing, the financial incentive policy for foreign invested enterprises, the financial incentive policy for the leading companies, the financial incentive policy for high and new technology enterprises, the financial incentive policy for public listing companies. The important projects and big projects will be treated individually and enjoy the specific preferential policy. Status of Chinese Partner: Founded in July 1992, Deqing Economic Development Zone, known as the provincial level development zone, covers an administrative area of 43.8 km2. Now the development zone has completed construction for a land area is 10.2 km2. The third phase of the development zone, covering a planned area of 11.2 km2, has been submitted to Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design. The zone has started to work on an expanding area of 1 km2. Correspondence: Contact Person: Yang Kai Telephone: 0572-8067313 Fax: 0572-8061355 E-mail: 68138300@qq.com Address: 198 Changhong Middle Street, Wukang Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province 313200
項目名稱:裝備制造產業園區項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:德清經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 德清是環杭州灣產業帶先進制造業重要產業基地,區位優勢突出,交通便捷,裝備制造產業基礎雄厚,是全縣的主導產業之一。近年來,德清緊緊抓住沿海地區產業轉移這一發展機遇,依托本地資源優勢和產業要求,引龍頭、帶集群、成產業,先后成功引進圣航(中國)科技股份有限公司、暖爾特熱力設備(德清)有限公司、浙江輝能風電科技有限公司等一批重大項目。至2011年底,開發區規模以上高端裝備制造企業58家,完成產值209億元?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 裝備制造業是“十二五”期間國家重點培育的新興產業,德清更是提出把高端裝備制造業作為三大產業之首來培育,在傳統裝備制造業的基礎上,依托科技轉型升級,打造長三角的高端裝備制造園。目前,中國建材集團所屬的中國新型建筑材料工業杭州設計院德清裝備研發制造基地已正式落成?! 『献鲀热菖c要求: 產業園區將引進國內外高端裝備制造企業及項目?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 扶持政策:《鼓勵工業企業集聚發展的意見》;優惠政策:外商投資企業財政獎勵政策、優強企業財政獎勵政策、高新技術企業財政獎勵政策、企業上市財政獎勵政策、重大項目視情況實行“一廠一策”或“一事一議”政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 德清經濟開發區成立于1992年7月,是省級開發區,隸屬湖州市德清縣。2007年6月,開發區管理體制調整完畢,行政區域面積43.8 平方公里,目前建成區面積 10.2 平方公里,三期11.2 平方公里正委托浙江省城鄉規劃設計研究院進行規劃設計,首期拓展1平方公里已經啟動。 聯系人:王譯文 聯系電話:0572-8061355 傳真:0572-8061355 E-mail:51054476@qq.com 通訊地址:浙江德清武康鎮長虹中街198號 郵編:313200
Project No. 03
Project: Equipment Manufacturing Industry Park Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Deqing County Project Background and Conditions: Deqing, known as an important base for advanced manufacturing industry in Hangzhou bay industrial belt, enjoys location advantages and easy access. The equipment manufacturing industry is one of the leading industries of Deqing county, with a solid industrial foundation. In recent years, Deqing tightly grasped the development opportunities for industrial shifts in the coastal area. Supported by the rich local resources and industry, Deqing has introduced a number of leading companies and driven the development of the industries. The county has successfully introduced a number of key projects one after another, such as Shenghang (China) Technologies, Nolte Boilers (Deqing), Zhejiang Huineng Wind Power Technologies Co., Ltd. Until the end of 2011, there were 58 high end equipment manufacturers that are above the designated size settled in Deqing Development Zone, which has achieved an output value of RMB 20.9 billion. Project Progress: As an important burgeoning industry, the equipment manufacturing industry is cultivated by the state during the 12th five-year plan period. Deqing has proposed the high end equipment manufacturing as one of three key industries fostered by the local government. Based upon the traditional equipment manufacturing industry, Deqing plans to forge a high-end equipment manufacturing park in the south of Yangtze River through the transformation and escalation of technologies. Now Deqing Equipment R&D and Manufacturing Base, China New Building Materials Industry (Hangzhou) Design Institute, an affiliate of China Building Materials Group, has officially set up. Co-operation Form: The industrial park plans to introduce high end of equipment manufacturing industry. The foreign investors may set up their enterprises in the park in the forms of joint venture or foreign wholly owned. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: A series of supporting and preferential policies offered by the local government are available, such as the policy to encourage the industrial companies to gather and grow in the development zone, the financial incentive policy for foreign invested enterprises, the financial incentive policy for the leading companies, the financial incentive policy for high and new technology enterprises, the financial incentive policy for public listing companies. The important projects and big projects will be treated individually and enjoy the specific preferential policy. Status of Chinese Partner: Founded in July 1992, Deqing Economic Development Zone, known as the provincial level development zone, covers an administrative area of 43.8 km2. Now the development zone has completed construction for a land area is 10.2 km2. The third phase of the development zone, covering a planned area of 11.2 km2, has been submitted to Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design. The zone has started to work on an expanding area of 1 km2. Correspondence: Contact Person: Wang Yiwen Telephone: 0572-8061355 Fax: 0572-8061355 E-mail: 51054476@qq.com Address: 198 Changhong Middle Street, Wukang Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province 313200 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:電子信息產業園區項目 項目所屬行業:信息技術 項目落戶地:德清縣 項目背景及建設條件: 德清電子信息產業起步于20世紀80年代,一直致力于探索“產學研”結合的發展模式,走在全國科工貿一體化發展的前列。近年來,電子信息產業更成為經濟發展新興增長點,集聚了以微軟(中國)投資建設的浙江德微科技有限公司為代表的一批國內外知名電子信息產業的龍頭企業。至2011年底,全縣規模以上電子信息企業達25家?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: “十二五”期間,將在德清經濟開發區北面郭肇商務區塊內打造電子信息產業園,目前已有浙江德微科技有限公司等企業入駐。建設中的淡竹軟件園已申報省重點項目,該項目總用地面積約400畝,總投資10億元人民幣,注冊資本5000萬元人民幣,建成三年后,預計年銷售收入達15億元以上,利稅1.5億元?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 園區建設內容包括軟件研發中心、軟件服務外包中心、軟件營銷中心、軟件培訓中心、軟件數據處理中心、軟件園接待和展示中心等?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:大型跨國、國內的信息產業的企業?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 扶持政策:《鼓勵工業企業集聚發展的意見》;優惠政策:外商投資企業財政獎勵政策、優強企業財政獎勵政策、高新技術企業財政獎勵政策、企業上市財政獎勵政策、重大項目視情況實行“一廠一策”或“一事一議”政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 德清經濟開發區成立于1992年7月,是省級開發區,隸屬湖州市德清縣。2007年6月,開發區管理體制調整完畢,行政區域面積43.8 平方公里,目前建成區面積 10.2 平方公里,三期11.2 平方公里正委托浙江省城鄉規劃設計研究院進行規劃設計,首期拓展1平方公里已經啟動。 聯系人:應麗 聯系電話:0572-8071863 傳 真:0572-8061355 E-mail:402377323@qq.com 通訊地址:浙江德清武康鎮長虹中街198號 郵 編:313200
Project No. 04
Project: Electronics and IT Industrial Park Industry: IT Project Site: Deqing County Project Background and Conditions: The electronics and IT industry in Deqing started up in 1980’s, who has explored the way for development by integrating industrial circles, universities and research institutes, and walked in the front row of the industry in China. In recent years, the electronics and IT has become a new growth pole of economic development in the county. A number of leading companies well known at home and abroad set up in the park, such as Zhejiang Dewei Technologies Co., Ltd. which is invested and constructed by Microsoft (China) Corp. By the end of 2011, the county has as many as 25 electronics and information enterprises. Project Progress: During the twelfth five-year, Deqing Economic Development Zone will build an electronics and information industry park in its northern part. Now, Zhejiang Dewei Technologies Co., Ltd. and several other companies have settled in the park. The Danzhu software park under construction, as a provincial key project, has been reported to the superior authorities. The project covers a land area of 400 mu, totaling an investment amount of RMB 1 billion with a registered asset of RMB 50 million. The project is estimated to achieve an annual sales income of RMB 1.5 billion and a profit and tax of RMB 150 million after it puts into operation. Plan of Implementation: The construction items of the park will include R&D center, software service outsourcing center, software marketing center, software training center, software data processing center and software park reception and show center etc. Co-operation Form: The park plans to introduce the large multinational companies and domestic IT enterprises. The foreign investors may set up their companies in the park in the form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture enterprises. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: A series of supporting and preferential policies offered by the local government are available, such as the policy to encourage the industrial companies to gather and grow in the development zone, the financial incentive policy for foreign invested enterprises, the financial incentive policy for the leading companies, the financial incentive policy for high and new technology enterprises, the financial incentive policy for public listing companies. The important projects and big projects will be treated individually and enjoy the specific preferential policy. Status of Chinese Partner: Founded in July 1992, Deqing Economic Development Zone, known as the provincial level development zone, covers an administrative area of 43.8 km2. Now the development zone has completed construction for a land area is 10.2 km2. The third phase of the development zone, covering a planned area of 11.2 km2, has been submitted to Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Urban and Rural Planning and Design. The zone has started to work on an expanding area of 1 km2. Correspondence: Contact Person: Ying Li Telephone: 0572-8071863 Fax: 0572-8061355 E-mail: 402377323@qq.com Address: 198 Changhong Middle Street, Wukang Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province 313200
項目編號:05 項目名稱:通用航空產業基地合作開發與招商 項目所屬行業:租賃和商務服務業 項目落戶地:德清縣臨杭工業區 項目背景及建設條件: 通用航空作為民用航空的兩大支柱之一,以其安全高效、快捷便利、服務多樣化的特點,不僅直接為國民經濟建設提供專業飛行服務,還在我國歷次重大自然災害、突發公共事件的應急處置中發揮不可替代的作用。航空基地建設能夠有效引進、培育與發展通用航空領域的國際、國內知名企業,壯大我省通航制造業與服務業,形成戰略性新興產業新增長點,促進全省產業轉型升級?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 項目基地按照“一年規劃、三年基本建成、五年產業初具規模、十年基地發展成熟”的藍圖初步推進。2011年項目完成規劃,預計2013年基本建成,2015年產業初具規模,2020年基地發展成熟。2010年11月30日德清縣成立發展通用航空產業工作領導小組;2011年11月24日《德清通用航空省級高技術產業基地發展規劃》通過評審;2011年12月被認定為德清通用航空省高技術產業基地,目前正在進行德清通航機場選址論證及申報工作?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 德清通用航空省級高技術產業基地規劃總面積約20.5平方公里,其中臨杭工業區通用航空產業基地位于德清臨杭工業區南部,規劃總面積17.5平方公里。加快德清通用航空機場建設,積極引進與培育通用航空高技術制造與服務企業,加快促進飛機銷售、托管、維護維修、科技研發等產業發展?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩骸 ⊥ㄓ煤娇债a業基地的開發建設與相關企業的合作招商?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 提供土地“三通一平”(含土地附著物拆遷);提供配套設施滿足企業的供水、供電和通訊要求;對于符合條件的引進“大好高”項目給予政策上的支持?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 臨杭工業區位于浙江省德清縣,規劃用地面積約41.47平方公里,轄臨杭工業區核心區塊、臨杭物流區塊和乾元新材料區塊,用地涉及乾元、雷甸兩鎮13個行政村。園區定位為浙江德清臨杭工業區是省級開發區――德清經濟開發區的延伸,是臨杭產業帶的核心區域?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓等耍嚎姇粤帧 ‰娫挘?3706826338 傳真:0572-6028795 電子郵箱:zjymh@126.com 地址:浙江省德清縣雷甸鎮新大街8號 郵編:313219
Project No. 05
Project: General Aviation Industrial Base Industry: Commerce Service Sector Project Site: Deqing County Project Background and Conditions: The general aviation, as a pillar of civil aviation industry, boasts the advantages of safety and high efficiency, convenience and service diversity. It not only offer specialized aviation service to the national economic construction, but also plays an irreplaceable role in major natural disasters, rapid responses of public emergencies of the nation. The construction of aviation base can effectively introduce, cultivate and develop the leading companies in general aviation field at home and broad, and boost the general aviation manufacturing and service sector in Zhejiang province, which will cultivate new growth point for strategic new industry and facilitate the transformation and escalation of the industry in the province. Project Progress: The general aviation base will be promoted according to the blueprints that plans within one year, completes basic construction in three years, forms the industry in five year and develops maturely in ten years. The project finished planning in 2011 and is anticipated to be completed basically in 2013. The project will begin to shape the industry in 2015. The base will be developed maturely in 2020. Deqing county established the leading team for developing general aviation industry on Nov. 30, 2010. The development plan of the provincial-level high-tech industrial base for general aviation in Deqing county was reviewed on Nov. 24, 2011, and approved in Dec. 2011. At present time, the airport site selection for general aviation is under way and has been reported to the superior authority. Plan of Implementation: Deqing Provincial-level High-tech Industrial Base for General Aviation covers a total area of about 20.5 km2, of which an area of 17.5 km2 is sited in the southern part of Neighboring Hangzhou Industrial Park in Deqing county. Now the leading team works to promote the general aviation airport construction in Deqing, introduce and cultivate the manufacturing and service enterprises related to general aviation industry, and promote the industrial development such as aircraft sales, maintenance and service and R&D etc. Co-operation Form: The development and construction of general aviation industrial base are engaged. The collaboration with relevant enterprises and investment are promoted. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The land which meets the requirements of three supplies and one leveling is available, able to be provided to the companies that are settled in the industrial base. The infrastructure facilities which supplies water, electric power and telecommunication are perfected and are able to meet the demands of the enterprises. The introduced big, good and high-tech projects which conform to the conditions will be supported by preferential policies. Status of Chinese Partner: Neighboring-Hangzhou Industrial Zone, located in Deqing county, Zhejiang province, covers a planned area of 41.47 km2 and includes the core area of neighboring Hangzhou Industrial Zone, neighboring Hangzhou logistics park and new materials park in Qianyuan Town. The land involves 13 administrative villages in Qianyuan and Leidian two towns. The industrial zone is also an extension of Deqing Economic Development Zone – a provincial level one. Correspondence: Contact Person: Miao Xiaolin Telephone: 13706826338 Fax: 0572-6028795 E-mail: zjymh@126.com Address: 8 New Street, Leidian Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province 313219
項目名稱:長興電子商務創業園招駐項目 項目所屬行業:電子商務 項目落戶地:長興經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 園區地處國家級長興縣經濟技術開發區陸匯路2號,距高鐵站、汽車總站、火車站、市區、高速出入口均在7分鐘路程以內?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 已完成研發樓一幢,面積5500㎡,可容納20家左右電商企業入駐;完成一號倉庫建設,面積11751㎡;完成傳達室、配電房;完成一期餐廳,計劃十月份餐廳正式對外營業。目前已入駐圓通快遞、申通快遞、意卡希品牌女包等多家電子商務及配套企業?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 園區總占地面積56畝,總建筑面積44752㎡,規劃建設一幢研發大樓(三層)、一幢綜合辦公樓(八層)、兩幢倉庫(四層)、一幢宿舍樓(五層)以及傳達室、配電房、餐廳?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩鹤赓U形式?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 在房租、水電、通訊方面給予一定程度的優惠;在政策、稅收等方面園區將通過政府給予支持;在資金與技術方面給予一定程度的扶持?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓祮挝唬洪L興縣商務局 聯系人:鄒先生 地址:浙江省長興縣縣前中街402號 電話:400-100-2878或15088627603 傳真:0572-6028795 電子郵箱:zlf_ben16@126.com
Project No. 06
Project: E-commerce Park Projects Industry: E-commerce Project Site: Changxing Economic and Technology Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: The E-commerce Park is located at 2 Luhui Road, Changxing County Economic and Technology Development Zone. It takes less than 7 minutes to drive from the project site to the high-speed railway station, bus terminal, railway station, downtown and the entrance and exit of expressways. Project Progress: A R&D building has been completed, with a building area of 5500 m2, which is able to accommodate about 20 e-commerce companies. Other completed buildings include the warehouse with an area of 11751 m2, gate chamber, electric power distribution room, dinning hall Phase I. The dinning hall will plan to open in October this year. Nowadays, there have been several e-commerce and supporting companies, such as YTO express delivery, STO express delivery, Yikaxi branded handbags, which have been settled in the park. Plan of Implementation: The e-commerce park in Changxing county covers a land area of 56 mu, with a total building area of 44,752 m2. It is planned to build a three-story R&D building, an eight-story office complex, two four-story warehouses, a five-story residential building as well as gate chamber, electric power distribution room and dinning hall. Co-operation Form: The companies may move in the e-commerce park in the form of lease. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The preferential conditions on rents, water and electric power supply and telecommunication will be offered to the investors. The local government will support the investors on the aspects of policy and taxation. The supports for capitals and technology are also available. Correspondence: Contact Person: Mr. Zou Telephone: 400-100-2878, 15088627603 Fax: 0572-6028795 E-mail: zlf_ben16@126.com Address: 402 Xianqian Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:城南工業園裝備制造、新能源產業熟地項目 項目所屬行業:新能源產業、裝備制造業 項目落戶地:長興縣和平鎮 項目背景及建設條件: 城南工業園區位于長興縣南部省級中心鎮和平鎮,被譽為“中國綠色動力能源中心”,截至目前,園區已拉開框架6平方公里,開發面積4平方公里,落戶企業近100家,其中世界500強企業1家,上市公司3家,園區已形成新能源和裝備制造兩大支柱產業,2012年實現工業總產值147億元?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 已完成征用和場地平整,已完成四周道路、綠化、市政管網、天然氣、供電等配套工程?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 項目一:位于園區主干道經三路與發展大道交匯處,占地面積52.1畝,根據規劃將引進裝備制造、新能源項目,總投資1.5億,注冊資金5000萬,投資強度≥300/畝?! №椖慷何挥诔悄瞎I區11省道南側,占地面積112.4畝,根據規劃將引進裝備制造或新能源項目,總投資3億,注冊資金1億,投資強度≥300/畝?! №椖咳何挥诔悄瞎I區11省道南側,占地面積152畝,根據規劃將引進裝備制造或新能源項目,總投資4億,注冊資金1.2億,投資強度≥300/畝?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩邯氋Y、合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 在政策、稅收等方面通過政府給予支持?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓祮挝唬洪L興縣商務局 聯系人:余樂興 地址:浙江省長興縣縣前中街402號 電話:15167287568 傳真:0572-6028795 電子郵箱:zlf_ben16@126.com
Project No. 07
Project: Industrial Park for Equipment Manufacturing and New Energy Industry Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Changxing County Project Background and Conditions: The industrial park is located in the provincial-level central town, Heping Town in the southern part of Changxing County, which is known as the Center of China Green Energy. Until now, the park construction has started with a framework of 6 km2 and a developing area of 4 km2. Nearly 100 companies, including one Fortune 500 and three public listed companies, have been moved into the park. The industrial park has formed new energy and equipment manufacturing two pillar industries. In 2012, the industrial park reached a total industrial value of RMB 14.7 billion. Project Progress: The land requisition and leveling have been finished. The construction for road, afforestation, pipe networks, gas and electric power supply and other supporting facilities has been completed. Plan of Implementation: The Project I covers a land area of 52.1 mu and will introduce the projects on equipment manufacturing and new energy according to the plan, with a total investment of RMB 150 million, registered capitals of RMB 50 million. The investment intensity will be higher than RMB 3 million per mu. The Project II, covering a land area of 112.4 mu, will introduce equipment manufacturing industry or new energy industry, with a total investment of RMB 300 million and registered capitals of RMB 100 million. The investment intensity will be higher than RMB 3 million per mu. The Project III, covering a land area of 152 mu, will introduce equipment manufacturing or new energy projects according to the plan, with a total investment of RMB 400 million and registered capitals of RMB 120 million. The investment intensity will be higher than RMB 3 million per mu. Co-operation Form: The foreign investors can set up their companies in the form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture enterprises. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government will support the investors through preferential policy and tax incentive. Correspondence: Contact Person: Yu Lexing Telephone: 15167287568 Fax: 0572-6028795 E-mail: zlf_ben16@126.com Address: 402 Xianqian Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:太湖文化石產業園項目 項目所屬行業:旅游觀光業 項目落戶地:長興縣白峴鄉 項目背景及建設條件: 目前在與安徽、江蘇交界的白峴鄉已形成了一個觀賞石的交易市場,2012年銷售額達到了2億元。為更好的保護和利用太湖石獨特的自然資源,長興縣人民政府相繼申報了“中國觀賞石之鄉(長興太湖石)”,出臺了《長興縣觀賞石資源保護管理暫行辦法》等一系列保護措施,并將打造有特色的景觀石展示、觀賞、銷售等為一體的體現“山水神韻、竹石之鄉”的太湖石文化產業園?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 該項目規劃方案書已經完成,土地征用已完成,經營展示區正在對外招商,正在籌建太湖石文化研究會?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 項目規劃用地面積120畝,其中建設用地面積30畝,建筑面積1.6萬平方米。預計建設總投資為3億元,主要建設太湖石博物園、太湖石產業帶、洞山保護區等?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩骸 『腺Y、合作?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 政府政策扶持?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓祮挝唬洪L興縣商務局 聯系人:李順銀 地址:浙江省長興縣縣前中街老縣委商務局外資科 電話:15167235288 傳真:0572-6028795 電子郵箱:zlf_ben16@126.com
Project No. 08
Project: Ornamental Stone Cultural Park Industry: Tourism Project Site: Baixian Village, Changxing County Project Background and Conditions: At present, an ornamental stone trading market has been formed in Baixian Village, Changxing County where it neighbors Anhui and Jiangsu provinces. In 2012, this market reached an annual turnover of RMB 200 million. In order to preserve and utilize the unique local natural resources for ornamental stones in a better way, Changxing county government has claim the title of the Village of Chinese Ornamental Stones (or Changxing Taihu Lake Stones), and promulgated a series of conservation measures such as “the temporary provisions for conserving and managing the resources of the ornamental stones in Changxing County”. This project is planned to build Taihu Lake stone cultural park in which the ornamental stone shows, visits and sales activities are engaged. Project Progress: The project proposal and plan have been completed. The land requisition has finished. The business and show place has opened to outside for investment. The Taihu Lake Stone Culture Research Association is prepared to be established now. Plan of Implementation: The project covers a land area of 120 mu, in which 30 mu is construction land with a building area of 16,000 m2. The estimated total investment for the project amounts RMB 300 million. The construction items include Taihu Lake Stone Museum, Taihu Lake stone industrial belt, Dongshan Reservation Zone etc. Co-operation Form: Joint venture or cooperative Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government has promulgated preferential policy to support the investors. Correspondence: Contact Person: Li Shunyin Telephone: 15167235288 Fax: 0572-6028795 E-mail: zlf_ben16@126.com Address: 402 Xianqian Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:西太湖盛家漾養生產業基地項目 項目所屬行業:服務業 項目落戶地:長興經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 長興處于長江三角洲中心位置,是中國經濟最發達的地區之一,2012年 長三角30個城市GDP為119,373億元、常住人口達18,419萬人,人均GDP為64,810元。西太湖盛家漾養生產業基地選址在長興經濟技術開發區盛家漾區塊,環繞盛家漾與珍珠湖,交通便利,配套設施齊全,自然環境優越?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 項目正在進行總體規劃?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 項目規劃總用地面積約2975畝,濕地公園及農業觀光園區1638畝,總投資約50億元,將導入專業護理、緊急救助、藝人書苑、文體娛樂、農業觀光體驗等功能,打造集護理型養老、助養型養老、居養型養老服務于一體的綜合性養生養老社區?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩骸 ∑髽I獨立投資運作?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 政府給予政策支持?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓祮挝唬洪L興縣商務局 聯系人:宋先生 地址:浙江省長興縣縣前中街402號 電話:0572-6032222 傳真:0572-6129185 電子郵箱:zlf_ben16@126.com
Project No. 09
Project: Healthcare Service Base Industry: Service Sector Project Site: Changxing Economic and Technology Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: Changxing is located in the central area of Yangtze River Delta and it is one of the most developed area in China. In 2012, the GDP of 30 cities in Yangtze River Delta reached RMB 11,937.3 billion. The resident population of these 30 cities was 184.19 million, with GDP per capita RMB 64,810. The site of this project is selected in Shengjia Lake in the western part of Taihu Lake, Changxing Economic and Technology Development Zone, where it is surrounded by Shengjia Lake and Pearl Lake and enjoys easy access. The infrastructure and supporting facilities in the project site are complete and the natural environment is superior. Project Progress: The overall planning of the project is underway. Plan of Implementation: The land for the project planning covers a total area of 2,975 mu, in which the wetland park and agricultural sight-seeing park are 1,638 mu, with a total investment of about RMB 5 billion. The project will introduce professional cares, emergency rescues, performing artists’ park, recreation and entertainment, agricultural sightseeing and experiencing etc. The community for healthcare and nursing service will comprise the functions of nursing service, assisted living and residential service for elderly populations. Co-operation Form: The companies moving into the base will invest and operate independently. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government will offer policy support to the companies which invest in the base. Correspondence: Contact Person: Mr. Song Telephone: 0572-6032222 Fax: 0572-6129185 E-mail: zlf_ben16@126.com Address: 402 Xianquan Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:浙北商業廣場招駐項目 項目所屬行業:商貿業 項目落戶地:長興縣龍山新區 項目背景及建設條件: 浙北商業廣場為長興縣服務業重點支持項目,位于長興龍山新區中心地段,緊依行政中心,項目占地238畝,建成后將成為一個能提供住宿、金融、餐飲、購物、休閑、娛樂、養生等多種功能于一體的購物旅游中心,囊括的業態有:百貨、超市、金融、通信、酒店、餐飲、休閑娛樂、教育培訓、品牌零售等,從而能滿足整個浙北地區消費者“一站式”購物休閑的需求?! №椖壳捌跍蕚浠蜻M展情況: 正在建設,計劃2016年全部竣工,對外運營?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和內容: 大型百貨項目:項目位于商業廣場北端,總面積約為3.2萬平方米,共四層,配套有地下一層停車場,擬引進國際國內知名品牌?! 【肪频觏椖浚喉椖课挥谏虡I廣場中心地段,與大型超市—物美相接,總面積約為7000平方米,配套有地下一層停車場?! √厣惋嫿猪椖浚喉椖课挥谏虡I廣場中心地段,毗鄰大型超市—物美、國際風情商業街、大型百貨商場,總面積約為1萬平方米,分為五幢各三層的獨立單體。該項目將填補本區域特色餐飲空白,以滿足中高端消費能力人群的消費休閑需求?! №椖亢献鞣绞胶蛢热荩骸 ∽赓U或出售,開發公司自建商業運營管理公司?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 長興縣服務業重點支持項目,政府政策支持?! №椖柯撓捣绞剑骸 ÷撓祮挝唬洪L興縣商務局 聯系人:徐 玨 地址:浙江省長興縣縣前中街402號 電話:0572-6832991 傳真:0572-6028795 電子郵箱:qiqi0407@126.com
Project No. 10
Project: Zhebei Commercial Square Project Industry: Commerce Project Site: Changxing County Project Background and Conditions: Zhebei Commercial Square is known as the major supporting project of the service sector in Changxing County. It is located in the central part of Changxing Longshan New Zone and neighbors the administrative facilities, covering a land area of 238 mu. After the completion of the project, it becomes a shopping and tourist center which has the functions of hotel, finance, restaurant, shopping, recreation and entertainment, health care service etc., including department stores, supermarket, banks, telecommunication, hotels, restaurants, recreation and entertainment, education and training, brand retails etc, so the one-stop service in Zhebei commercial square can satisfy the demands of all the customers in the north of Zhejiang province. Project Progress: The project under construction is planned to be completed and is expected to open to the public in 2016. Plan of Implementation: The Large Department Store Project, located in the north side of the commercial square, covers a total building area of 32,000 m2, with four floors and underground parking lot. It is proposed to introduce the famous international and domestic brands. The Fine Hotel Project, located in the central part of the commercial square, links with Wu-mart supermarket and covers a total building area of 7,000 m2, with underground parking lot. The Restaurant Street Project, located in central part of the square, neighbors large supermarket Wu-mart, International Amorous Feelings Commercial Street, large shopping mall, covers a total building area of 10,000 m2, dividing into three independent five-story buildings. This project will fill the gap for specialty restaurant service in the region and meet the demands from the middle and high end customers. Co-operation Form: The project developers will establish the business operation and management companies. The buildings can be leased or sold. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The commercial square is an important service sector project strongly supported by the local government. Correspondence: Contact Person: Xu Jue Telephone: 0572-6832991 Fax: 0572-6028795 E-mail: qiqi0407@126.com Address: 402 Qianxian Middle Street, Changxing County, Zhejiang Province Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:汽車電子產品項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:安吉縣 項目背景及建設條件: 隨著中國汽車工業的高速發展和汽車電子化程度不斷提高,汽車電子產品的市場也變得越來越大并保持高速增長。在全球范圍內, 2002年的市場規模大約是$269億美元。到2007年,市場規模預計會達到354億美元。亞洲、中歐及東歐市場將增長最快。在北美及歐洲市場,電子部件占整車的價格已達到10~15%。預計到2012年汽車電子裝備價格將占整車價格的25~30%。 項目準備或進展情況: 安吉開發區城北工業新城規劃總面積17.9平方公里,杭長高速公路、申嘉湖高速公路西延段在其北側“互通”,遠期規劃的高鐵,連接杭州市中心的城際鐵路,兩條軌道交通在其北側交匯,形成高鐵站?,F已完成6000畝的征地拆遷和“七通一平”的基礎設施建設,并將成為安吉未來幾年工業經濟發展的核心區?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 本項目規劃用地面積80畝,總投資4300萬美元?! ⊥顿Y內容可選以下汽車電子五部分的其中某一產品: 1、動力控制系統:包括發動機管理控制系統、動力轉向、AT控制與ACC?! ?、安全控制系統:包括安全氣囊、ABS/ASR與SAFE-BY-WIRE?! ?、車身控制系統:包括開關控制、燈光控制、防盜系統、門鎖控制、車窗控制、雨刮等車身電子的控制?! ?、行駛控制系統:包括儀表、空調與底盤控制系統?! ?、信息系統:包括娛樂、移動通訊、GPS導航以及信息處理等系統。 合作內容與要求:外商獨資。 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 享受安吉外來投資企業優惠政策。亞太機電、日本藤倉橡膠、正強萬向節、奮進船用齒輪箱等大型企業、外資企業現已落戶安吉經濟開發區。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江省安吉經濟開發區成立于1992年,為省級經濟開發區。開發區管理面積375平方公里,規模以上企業235家,其中超億元企業45家。2011年完成規模以上企業銷售收入156.4億元,、工業增加值26.8億元,實現財政收入14.5億元,實到外資6811萬美元,實到注冊內資5.3億元人民幣,引領著安吉縣的經濟發展。在浙江省50個省級開發區綜合考評中,2011年名列第8位。 聯系人:潘司方 聯系電話:0572-5300571 傳 真:0572-5300571 E-mail:anjikfq@hotmail.com 通訊地址:浙江省安吉縣遞鋪鎮勝利西路1號(發展大廈) 郵 編:313300
Project No. 11
Project: Auto Electronics Project Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Anji County Project Background and Conditions: The market demands for auto electronic products are dramatically increasing with the rapid development of Chinese automobile industry and more applications of auto electronics. Within the global scale, the market size in 2002 was 26.7 billion US dollars while in 2007 it reached 35.4 US dollars. The market in Asian, Middle and Eastern Europe grows more rapidly. The price for electronic parts in the market of North America and Europe has occupied 10 – 15% of the total value of the cars. It is estimated that the electronic parts in 2012 will reach 25 – 30 % of the total price of the cars. Project Progress: Anji Economic Development Zone Northern Industrial City covers a total planned area of 17.9 km2, which links with Hangzhou-Changxing Expressway and Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou Expressway. In the future, the site will set up a high speed railway and intercity rail which will connect with the central area of Hangzhou city. Now a 6000-mu land acquisition and relocation for the project has been finished. The infrastructure construction is completed as well. It will become the engine for the development of Anji’s industrial economy in the next several years. Plan of Implementation: The project plans to cover a land area of 80 mu with a total investment of 43 million US dollars. The project can make five series of auto electronic products. 1.Power control system – engineer control system, power steering, AT control and ACC 2.Safety control system – safety airbags, ABS/ASR and safe-by-wire 3.Body control system – switch control, light control, safeguard system, door lock control, window control, wipers etc. 4.Driving control system – meters, air conditioning and chassis control 5.Information system – CD and DVD, mobile phones, GPS and information processing etc. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign companies invested in Anji economic development zone will enjoy the preferential policy offered by the local government. A number of the companies such as Weiye boilers, Zhongli machinery and Zhengqiang universal joints have settled in the development zone. Status of Chinese Partner: As a provincial development zone, Anji Economic Development Zone was established in 1992, covering an administrative area of 375 km2, 235 enterprises above the designated size, of which 45 are the big enterprises with more than hundred million yuan. In 2011, the enterprises above the designated size in the development zone fulfilled a sales income of RMB 15,64 billion and industrial added value of RMB 2.68 billion. The development zone realized a fiscal revenue of RMB 1.45 billion and a foreign investment of 6.81 million US dollars, a registered domestic investment of RMB 530 million. Anji development zone is the leader of the economic development in the county, and was listed at the eighth place among 50 provincial development zones in the comprehensive examination and evaluation in 2011. Correspondence: Contact Person: Pan Sifang Telephone: 0572-5300571 Fax: 0572-5300571 E-mail: anjikfq@hotmail.com Address: 1 Shengli West Road, Dipu Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313300
項目名稱:機械制造項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:安吉縣 項目背景及建設條件: 安吉開發區城北工業新城規劃總面積17.9平方公里,杭長高速公路、申嘉湖高速公路西延段在其北側“互通”,遠期規劃的高鐵,連接杭州市中心的城際鐵路,兩條軌道交通在其北側交匯,形成高鐵站?,F已完成6000畝的征地拆遷和“七通一平”的基礎設施建設,并將成為安吉未來幾年工業經濟發展的核心區。 項目準備或進展情況: 目前開發區已有數家大型汽配企業落戶,如總投資10.5億元人民幣的亞太機電項目,總投資5.2億元人民幣的正強萬向節項目、總投資5.1億元的奮進齒輪箱項目、總投資6.8億元的潤炬機械項目,總投資5000萬美元的藤倉密封件項目。初步形成了機械制造及汽配產業園雛形?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 該項目規劃用地面積80畝,總投資3000萬美元。 合作內容與要求:外商獨資或中外方合資。 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 享受安吉外來投資企業優惠政策。煒業鍋爐、中力機械、正強萬向節等項目已落戶安吉經濟開發區?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 浙江省安吉經濟開發區成立于1992年,為省級經濟開發區。開發區管理面積375平方公里,規模以上企業235家,其中超億元企業45家。2011年完成規模以上企業銷售收入156.4億元,、工業增加值26.8億元,實現財政收入14.5億元,實到外資6811萬美元,實到注冊內資5.3億元人民幣,引領著安吉縣的經濟發展。在浙江省50個省級開發區綜合考評中,2011年名列第8位?! ÷撓等耍号怂痉? 聯系電話: 0572-5300571 傳真:0572-5300571 E-mail:anjikfq@hotmail.com 通訊地址:浙江省安吉縣遞鋪鎮勝利西路1號(發展大廈) 郵編:313300
Project No. 12
Project: Machinery Manufacturing Project Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Anji County Project Background and Conditions: Anji Economic Development Zone Northern Industrial City covers a total planned area of 17.9 km2 and links with Hangzhou-Changxing Expressway and Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou Expressway. In the future, the site will set up a high speed railway and intercity rail station to connect with the central area of Hangzhou city. Now the 6000-mu land acquisition and relocation for the project has been finished. The infrastructure construction is completed as well. It will become the kernel area for the development of Anji’s industrial economy in the next several years. Project Progress: At present, there are a number of large auto parts manufacturers which have settled in the park, such as the projects of Asia Pacific Machinery and Electric with a total investment of RMB 1.05 billion, Zhengqiang Universal Joints with a total investment of RMB 520 million, Fengjin Gear Boxes with a total investment of RMB 510 million, Runju Machinery with a total investment of RMB 680 million and Fujikura Seals with a total investment of RMB 50 million. The machinery manufacturing and auto parts industry park has taken initial shape. Plan of Implementation: The planned land area for the project covers 80 mu, with a total investment amount of 30 million. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign companies invested in Anji economic development zone will enjoy the preferential policy offered by the local government. A number of the companies such as Weiye boilers, Zhongli machinery and Zhengqiang universal joints have settled in the development zone. Status of Chinese Partner: As a provincial development zone, Anji Economic Development Zone was established in 1992, covering an administrative area of 375 km2, 235 enterprises above the designated size, of which 45 are the big enterprises with more than hundred million yuan. In 2011, the enterprises above the designated size in the development zone fulfilled a sales income of RMB 15,64 billion and industrial added value of RMB 2.68 billion. The development zone realized a fiscal revenue of RMB 1.45 billion and a foreign investment of 6.81 million US dollars, a registered domestic investment of RMB 530 million. Anji development zone is the leader of the economic development in the county, and was listed at the eighth place among 50 provincial development zones in the comprehensive examination and evaluation in 2011. Correspondence: Contact Person: Pan Sifang Telephone: 0572-5300571 Fax: 0572-5300571 E-mail: anjikfq@hotmail.com Address: 1 Shengli West Road, Dipu Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313300 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:汽車整車及零部件生產項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:安吉臨港經濟區 項目背景及建設條件: 經歷近兩年高速增長后,市場普遍預期整車銷量將回歸10%左右的穩定增長。受益出口、售后維修市場以及進口替代等市場需求,零配件行業增長有望持續好于整車,在原材料價格回落預期以及整車調低目標銷售壓力減緩的背景下,零配件企業業績有望超預期?! ∧壳?,總投資41億元的中策橡膠(安吉)有限公司、中海油(湖州)新能源有限公司等大型企業落戶園區,以及數控加工中心、五金機械等企業的入駐,為汽車產業的發展奠定了扎實基礎。初步規劃用地面積800畝,建設新能源汽車、特種汽車等生產項目?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 安吉開發區城北工業新城規劃總面積17.9平方公里,杭長高速公路、申嘉湖高速公路西延段在其北側“互通”,遠期規劃的高鐵,連接杭州市中心的城際鐵路,兩條軌道交通在其北側交匯,形成高鐵站?,F已完成6000畝的征地拆遷和“七通一平”的基礎設施建設,并將成為安吉未來幾年工業經濟發展的核心區?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 該項目規劃用地面積80畝,總投資3000萬美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:外商獨資或中外方合資。 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 享受安吉外來投資企業優惠政策。亞太機電、日本藤倉橡膠、正強萬向節、奮進船用齒輪箱等大型企業、外資企業現已落戶安吉經濟開發區。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江省安吉經濟開發區成立于1992年,為省級經濟開發區。開發區管理面積375平方公里,規模以上企業235家,其中超億元企業45家。2011年完成規模以上企業銷售收入156.4億元,、工業增加值26.8億元,實現財政收入14.5億元,實到外資6811萬美元,實到注冊內資5.3億元人民幣,引領著安吉縣的經濟發展。在浙江省50個省級開發區綜合考評中,2011年名列第8位?! ÷撓等耍翰殂y 聯系電話:0572-5098888 13819200704 傳真:0572-5098888 E-mail:chayin_2004@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省安吉臨港經濟區 郵編:313300
Project No. 13
Project: Cars and Auto Parts Manufacturing Project Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Anji County Project Background and Conditions: After experiencing high growth for about two years, the market survey for car sales shows that a steady growth rate of about 10% will be achieved. Benefitted by the market demands from a export, after sales service market and import substitution, the sales growth for auto parts will be better than the car sales. Because the prices of raw materials is expected to fall and the pressure for car sales in the market is relieved, the performance for the auto parts companies will be improved and better than anticipated. Now Zhongche rubbers (Anji) Co., Ltd. with a total investment of RMB 4.1 billion, China Ocean Oil (Huzhou) New Energy Co., Ltd. and other companies on NC processing and hardware machinery have settled in the park. The park has laid a solid foundation for the development of automobile industry. The preliminary plan for the project covers a land area of 800 mu and makes new energy cars and special purpose vehicles etc. Project Progress: Anji Economic Development Zone Northern Industrial City covers a total planned area of 17.9 km2 and links with Hangzhou-Changxing Expressway and Shanghai-Jiaxing-Huzhou Expressway. In the future, the site will set up a high speed railway and intercity rail station to connect with the central area of Hangzhou city. Now the 6000-mu land acquisition and relocation for the project has been finished. The infrastructure construction is completed as well. It will become the kernel area for the development of Anji’s industrial economy in the next several years. Plan of Implementation: The project is planned to cover a land area of 80 mu and totals an investment amount of USD 30 million. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign companies which invest in Anji Economic Development Zone will enjoy the preferential policies offered by the local investment. Now there are a number of large companies such as Asia Pacific Machinery and Electric, Japan Fujikura Rubber, Zhengqiang Universal Joints and Fengjin Marine Gear Boxes etc. settled in Anji Economic Development Zone. Status of Chinese Partner: As a provincial development zone, Anji Economic Development Zone was established in 1992, covering an administrative area of 375 km2, 235 enterprises above the designated size, of which 45 are the big enterprises with more than hundred million yuan. In 2011, the enterprises above the designated size in the development zone fulfilled a sales income of RMB 15,64 billion and industrial added value of RMB 2.68 billion. The development zone realized a fiscal revenue of RMB 1.45 billion and a foreign investment of 6.81 million US dollars, a registered domestic investment of RMB 530 million. Anji development zone is the leader of the economic development in the county, and was listed at the eighth place among 50 provincial development zones in the comprehensive examination and evaluation in 2011. Correspondence: Contact Person: Cha Yin Telephone: 0572-5098888 Fax: 0572-5098888 E-mail: chayin_2004@163.com Address: Anji Linggang Economic Area, Zhejiang Province 313300 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目編號:14 項目名稱:安吉縣通用航空產業基地項目 項目所屬行業:租賃和商務服務業 項目落戶地:安吉縣 項目背景及建設條件: 通用航空產業,是現代中國唯一待開發的處女地,蘊藏著巨大的商機。隨著我國“大飛機”項目上馬,低空市場已經逐步開放,私家飛機即將進入中國市場,國家已經在廣東、東北、海南進行低空開放試點,必將有力推動我國經濟社會的進一步發展。重點打造航空產業,這是天子湖產業園推動省際示范區產業轉型升級、提升品位的重要抓手?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 企業名稱已核準,營業執照、稅務登記證、組織機構代碼證已辦理,項目備案已完成,目前已開工建設?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 該項目性質是以浙江安吉通用航空產業基地為核心的集機場(含跑道、停機坪、航站樓等飛行保障系統)、機庫、私人飛行駕照培訓中心、青少年航空知識教育展覽、飛行器組裝生產廠房、飛行器展銷中心、通航物流中心、航空俱樂部會所、駐機場行政企事業等單位的商務辦公樓等設施建設,最終實現通用航空產業基地配套服務和飛行器的組裝生產銷售。同時基地開展飛行體驗、空中觀光旅游、航空體育運動、私人飛行駕照培訓、城市航空服務、飛機銷售、展覽、飛行器托管、維修保養、俱樂部會員制飛行等。項目總投資13.2億人民幣,首期投資3.2億人民幣,注冊資金10000萬人民幣。項目總建設用地約700畝,一期征用土地400畝?! 『献鲀热菖c要求: 該項目由浙江中青國際航空俱樂部獨資,一期建設內容:1、飛行跑道1000米*120米(含滑行道及聯絡道)2、航站樓 3、停機坪 4、機庫5、航空俱樂部會所6、私人飛行駕照培訓中心 7、駐場企業商務樓;二期建設內容:1.飛行器組裝生產2. 廠房 3.4S航空飛行器展銷中心 4.機庫5. 青少年航空知識教育展覽館 6.通航物流中心 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 浙江中青國際航空俱樂部是專業從事輕型航空服務的經營單位,該俱樂部擁有航空專業人員、飛行員、地勤保障人員負責飛行管理業務,可為城市高架直升機場和通用機場提供全套技術服務和咨詢服務,代理機場建設事宜。該俱樂部擬引進美國賽斯納固定翼飛機和美國羅賓遜直升機從事私人飛行駕照培訓,飛行表演、訓練,體驗飛行、娛樂,航拍等,首期推出熱氣球、動力傘、動力三角翼、遙控飛艇,為各企事業單位提供服務?! ÷撓等耍簠枪馄健 ÷撓惦娫挘?572-5816327 傳真:0572-5816789 通訊地址:浙江省安吉縣天子湖現代工業園管委會 郵編:313310
Project No. 14
Project: General Aviation Industrial Base in Anji County Industry: Commerce Service Sector Project Site: Anji County Project Background and Conditions: The general aviation industry is a new field in China which boasts huge business opportunities. While the project of Large Aeroplanes was launched in China, the low altitude market has been opened gradually and privately owned planes will enter into China market. The state has decided to engage in pilot work to open low altitude in Guangdong, Northeast China and Hainan province, which will boost the further development of the Chinese economy and society. This project plans to develop aviation industry in Anji county. It will promote the industrial transformation and escalation of the interprovincial demonstration zones in Tianzi Lake Industrial Park, Anji County. Project Progress: The enterprise name has been authorized. The business license, the taxation registration certificate and the code certificate of organization and institution have been issued. The project record has been done and now the project construction has started up. Plan of Implementation: The General Aviation Industrial Base in Anji County includes airport (runway, parking apron and terminal), airplane hangar, private pilot license training center, youth aviation show, aerocraft assembly workshop, aerocraft show and sales center, general aviation logistics center, aviation club and office buildings. The final goal of the project is to offer supporting service, produce and marketing aerocrafts in the general aviation industry base. Meanwhile, the base will engage the services such as flying experience, sky sightseeing, aviation sports, private pilot license training, urban aviation service, aircraft sales and exhibition, aircraft maintenance and service, club membership flights etc. The total investment of the project amounts RMB 1.32 billion, with an initial investment of RMB 320 million and registered capital of RMB 100 million. The project construction covers a land area of 700 mu and the land requisition for the first phase of project is 400 mu. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture The project has been invested solely by Zhejiang Chinese Youth International Aviation Club. The first phase of the construction includes 1000 m long and 120 m wide airplane runway, terminal, apron, hangar, aviation club, pilot license training center, office buildings. The second first will have aerocraft assembly workshop, show and sales center, hangar, youth aviation museum and logistics center. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The investors of the project will enjoy a lot of preferential investment policies offered by the local government. Status of Chinese Partner: Zhejiang Chinese Youth International Aviation Club is specialized in the light aviation service and employs pilots, ground crews and other aviation professionals, which is able to offer complete technical service for urban overhead heliport and general airport, and airport construction. The club introduced Cessna fixed wing aircraft and Robinson helicopter for pilot license training, aerobatic flight, training, flying experience and entertainment, aerial photographing etc. Initially, the project will offer the services for fire balloon, dynamic parachute, dynamic trike, remote controlled airship etc. Correspondence: Contact Person: Wu Guangping Telephone: 0572-5816327 Fax: 0572-5816789 Address: Tianzi Lake Modern Industrial Park Adm. Committee, Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313310
項目名稱:中國大竹海旅游區項目 項目所屬行業:旅游業 項目落戶地:安吉縣 項目背景及建設條件: 根據區域的資源分布狀況,自然地形地貌,景區結合“中國大竹?!逼放平ǔ删糯蠊δ馨鍓K區:大竹海核心景區(已建成,目前屬國有投資),另外包括待開發的高山養生度假產業區、老年養生基地、文化創意產業區、野外運動區、竹海主題農莊、竹海高爾夫球場、竹海小鎮、竹海山地人居等?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 項目總體規劃、項目建議書已完成編制?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 景區已建成部分年接待游客達30余萬人次。項目總投資為15億元人民幣,擬引進外來資金5-15億人民幣?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 項目中方為安吉縣旅游發展總公司。安吉縣是長三角洲經濟迅速崛起的一個對外開放景區,人口46萬,面積1886平方公里。近年來,安吉全面貫徹落實打造“休閑經濟先行區”和“中國美麗鄉村”兩大決策部署,促進旅游業向休閑旅游業轉型升級。安吉縣還被評為中國第一個生態縣、國家園林縣城、中國最佳人居環境示范獎等。2008年中國旅游發展大會中,安吉被列為第一批浙江省旅游經濟強縣之一?! ÷撓等耍簠蔷S東 聯系電話:0572-5123056 傳 真:0572-5123092 E-mail:anjilvyou@163.com 通訊地址:安吉縣旅游發展總公司 郵 編:313300
Project No. 15
Project: China Great Bamboo Sea Resort Industry: Tourism Project Site: Anji County Project Background and Conditions: According to the regional resources distributions, the natural landscape and terrains, the resort will be built with nine functional scenic spots in combination with the tourism brand of Giant Bamboo Sea of China, the kernel area of giant bamboo forests which has been completed by the state owned investment, healthcare base for elderly, cultural creation industrial area, field sports area, the granges with the theme of bamboo forests, bamboo forest golf courts, little town in bamboo sea and habitation in bamboo forests and mountains etc. Project Progress: The overall plan and proposals for the project have been completed. Plan of Implementation: The completed part of the resort now welcomes more than 300,000 visitors each year. The total investment for the project amounts to RMB 1.5 billion. It is planned to introduce RMB 500 – 1,500 million from the foreign investors. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors will enjoy the preferential policies promulgated by Anji county. There are a number of ecological agricultural projects such as Dongguang Food and NetEase etc settled in Anji economic development zone. Status of Chinese Partner: Anji, a county with a boom economy, is an important tourism county in Yangtze river delta. The county has a population of 460,000 and covers an area of 1886 km2. In recent years, Anji promotes the two tourism brands - the pioneer for recreational economy and the beautiful countryside of China, and transform and escalate its tourism sector. Anji county has been granted the titles of the first ecological county in China and the national garden county town, honored the award of the China’s best environment for habitation etc. Anji was listed in the first batch of the counties which boast a booming tourism economy in Zhejiang province in China Tourism Development Convention 2008. Correspondence: Contact Person: Wu Weidong Telephone: 0572-5123056 Fax: 0572-5123092 E-mail: anjilvyou@163.com Address: Anji County Tourism Development Corp., Anji County, Zhejiang Province 313300 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:先進機械設備及零部件制造 項目所屬行業:機械裝備制造業 項目落戶地:吳興區 項目背景及建設條件: 吳興區以機械設備零部件產業、紡織服裝業、金屬制品業為主體,在長三角地區具有一定的競爭力。我區機械設備零部件加工產業基礎較好,產品涉及大中型機械設備零部件加工及汽車零部件加工等。并且,部分產品在全國同行業中有較顯著的地位。目前三一重工、匯大機械、鐳寶重機等一批機械項目正在相繼開工建設。正需要上下游與之相關連的企業做產業配套。因此我們極力引進和歡迎廣大機械設備及其零部件企業來吳興投資創業。 項目準備或進展情況: 目前政府可以為該產業相關連的企業提供土地及相關的優惠政策,著力打造長三角先進裝備制造業的積聚區?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 我們大力引進無污染、低能耗的機械設備零部件企業入住我區發展,更歡迎有識之士來我區投資創業。 合作內容與要求: 政府采取相關優惠政策,投資者租賃廠房或購買土地自建。著力引進先進機械設備產業延伸及零部件制造項目?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 提供基礎設施完備、配套齊全的標準廠房、土地等?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 吳興區區位獨特,位于長三角經濟圈地理中心的吳興,與上海、杭州均在1小時物流半徑內,公路、鐵路、水路運輸發達;是東部沿海內陸連接的交通樞紐,是長三角區域的“一核六帶”的交匯點?! ÷撓等耍翰倘好? 聯系電話:13757298089 傳真:0572-2289562 E-mail:ayuwang811@126.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市吳興大道1號招商局10114室 郵編:313100
Project No. 16
Project: Advanced Machinery Equipment and Parts Manufacturing Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: The machinery and parts manufacturing, textile and apparels and metallic products are the three leading industries in Wuxing, which are competitive in Yangtze river delta region. Wuxing lays a solid foundation for the machinery equipment manufacturing sector which is able to make large and middle sized machinery components and auto parts etc. some of those parts are well known in the domestic machine-building industry. Now there are a number of machinery projects, such as Sany Heavy Industry, Huida Machinery and Redo Heavy Machines etc, have kicked off their construction. Therefore, the related companies for upstream and downstream industry are demanded to support their operation. We are making efforts to introduce and welcome the machinery and parts manufacturers to Wuxing industrial park. Project Progress: The local government has offered the preferential conditions, policies and lands to the companies with machine-building industry invested in Wuxing industrial park, in order to forge an agglomeration for advanced equipment manufacturing in Yangtze river delta. Plan of Implementation: Wuxing industrial park focuses on introducing the machinery and parts manufacturing companies with pollution-free and low energy consumption, and warmly welcomes them to invest in the related industry. Co-operation Form: The local government will offer the relevant preferential policies. The potential investors can lease factory buildings which have been finished, or purchase the land to build the workshops by themselves. The projects related to manufacturing of advanced machinery equipment and parts are our emphasis. The foreign investors may in investing in the form of foreign wholly owned, or collaborate with Chinese partner in the form of joint venture. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The industrial park is able to deliver standard factory buildings and land which are complete in infrastructure and other supporting facilities etc. Status of Chinese Partner: Wuxing district of Huzhou city is located at the geographical center of Yangtze river delta, within the reach of Shanghai and Hangzhou by about an hour drive, enjoying unique location advantages. With the highly developed highway, railway and waterway facilities, Wuxing is the transport hub which links the eastern coastal area with the inland. Correspondence: Contact Person: Cai Qunmei Telephone: 13757298089 Fax: 0572-2289562 E-mail: ayuwang811@126.com Address: Room 10114, Investment Promotion Bureau, 1 Wuxing Boulevard, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313100 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:品牌服飾產業項目 項目所屬行業:紡織服裝 項目落戶地:吳興區 項目背景及建設條件: 織里鎮區域面積135.8平方公里,綜合實力位列全省百強鎮20位,位列全國千強鎮89位。童裝是“中國童裝名鎮”織里鎮的支柱產業。目前,織里鎮已經成了一個知名的童裝產業集群,擁有8700多家童裝生產及相關企業,年產3.2億件,占全國市場26%的份額,是中國最重要的棉面料集散中心。童裝生產廠家雖多,但大規模有影響的企業還比較缺乏。 項目準備或進展情況: 目前政府可以為該產業相關連的企業提供土地及相關的優惠政策,水、電、熱等各項基礎設施配套完善?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 建有標準服裝車間8幢(5層、底層架空),特批物流中心一個,車間標準層高3.9米,層面有五單元、六單元、七單元等多種格局,并可根據業主需要對標準車間進行重新整合。紡織、服裝是我區的傳統產業,現希望引進升級延伸紡織服裝產業的項目。 合作內容與要求: 政府采取相關優惠政策,投資者租賃廠房或購買土地自建?! ∠MM知名童裝企業或知名品牌與當地企業合資、合作。以及引進與長三角紡織服裝行業相配套的關聯企業?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 提供基礎設施完備、配套齊全的標準廠房、土地等,廠房平面圖、區位圖, 廠房使用等。 項目中方情況簡介: 吳興區區位獨特,位于長三角經濟圈地理中心的吳興,與上海、杭州均在1小時物流半徑內,公路、鐵路、水路運輸發達;是東部沿海內陸連接的交通樞紐,是長三角區域的“一核六帶”的交匯點?! ÷撓等耍翰倘好? 聯系電話:13757298089 傳真:0572-2289562 E-mail:ayuwang811@126.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市吳興大道1號招商局10114室 郵編:313100
Project No. 17
Project: Branded Apparel Production Project Industry: Textile and Apparels Project Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: Zhili town with the jurisdiction area of 135.8 km2, whose comprehensive strength is at the twentieth place among the top 100 towns in the province, is listed at the eighty-ninth place among the top 1000 towns in the nation. The children’s clothes are the pillar industry in Zhili, known as the famous Chinese town of children’s clothes. At present, Zhili town has agglomerated 8,700 children’s clothes makers and relevant enterprises, and become very well-known for its children’s clothes industry cluster in China. The town now produces 320 million pieces of children’s clothes, occupies 26% of the domestic market. Zhli is also known as the most important distribution center of cotton fabrics in China. But there are some problems on its children’s clothes industry. Although there are enormous number of children clothes’ makers in Zhili, it is still lack of large and influential enterprises. Project Progress: The local government is able to offer the land, preferential other conditions and policies. The infrastructure, such water, electric power and heating etc, and other supporting facilities are complete. Plan of Implementation: The industrial park has built 8 five-storey buildings used in garment factory and one logistics center. The standard workshop is 3.9 m high, and each of them could be divided into five units, six units and seven units several patterns. Depending upon the factory owner’s requirements, the standard workshops are able to be furnished. The textile and apparels are the traditional industry of Wuxng district. We plan to introduce textile and apparels projects which are able to escalate and extend our industry. Co-operation Form: The local government will offer the relevant preferential policies. The potential investors can lease factory buildings which have been finished, or purchase the land to build the workshops by themselves. We want to introduce the famous companies or international brands for children’s clothes to collaborate with the local companies in the form of joint venture or cooperative enterprise, as well as the relevant projects which escalate and extend the textile and apparel industrial chain in Yangtze river delta. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The industrial park is able to deliver standard factory buildings and land which are complete in infrastructure and other supporting facilities etc. Status of Chinese Partner: Wuxing district of Huzhou city is located at the geographical center of Yangtze river delta, within the reach of Shanghai and Hangzhou by about an hour drive, enjoying unique location advantages. With the highly developed highway, railway and waterway facilities, Wuxing is the transport hub which links the eastern coastal area with the inland. Correspondence: Contact Person: Cai Qunmei Telephone: 13757298089 Fax: 0572-2289562 E-mail: ayuwang811@126.com Address: Room 10114, Investment Promotion Bureau, 1 Wuxing Boulevard, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313100 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:多媒體產業園 項目所屬行業:服務外包 項目落戶地:吳興區 項目背景及建設條件: 吳興區多媒體產業園坐落于東部新區核心區,總規劃面積600畝,建筑面積28萬平方米。包括產業用房20萬平方米、生活配套設施6萬平方米、展示培訓設施2萬平方米。項目一期一標段已投入使用,一期二標段也于2011年年底動工?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 湖州多媒體產業園產業平臺共引進并注冊落戶的公司有二十余家,在談項目約10個,公司類型涵蓋:數據中心、文化傳播、呼叫中心、動畫類、云計算等?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 湖州多媒體產業園致力于發展成以信息服務業為核心,現代多媒體技術應用和文化創意產業為特色的現代服務業集聚區。2009年,被列入首批浙江省國際服務外包示范園區。 合作內容與要求: 可通過租賃廠房方式投資現代服務業相關項目?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 項目投資前期調查服務、項目審批全程代理服務、項目建設跟蹤聯系服務、外來人員生活幫助服務?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州多媒體產業園是長寧區多媒體產業園投資、與吳興區人民政府共同開發?! ÷撓等耍河鼬P勇、沈婧瑩 聯系電話:0572-2289565 傳真:0572-2289562 E-mail:yfyhnr@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市吳興大道一號10118室 郵編:313100
Project No. 18
Project: Multimedia Industrial Park Industry: Service Outsource Project Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: The multimedia industrial park in Wuxing is located in the eastern kernel area of Huzhou city, planned with a total area of 600 mu and a building floorage of 280,000 m2, which includes 200,000 m2 industrial buildings, 60,000 m2 living and supporting facilities and 20,000 m2 training facilities. The first bidding section for the project Phase I has already put into operation, while the second bidding section also kicks off by the end of 2011. Project Progress: The industrial platforms of Huzhou Multimedia Industrial Park now have introduced about 20 companies with multimedia industry, while 10 other projects are under negotiation. These projects are engaged in the business related to data center, cultural communication, call center, animation, cloud computing etc. Plan of Implementation: Huzhou Multimedia Industrial Park is dedicated to the development of information service industry, which will concentrate on the modern multimedia technology applications and cultural creative industry. In 2009, the park was listed in the first batch demonstration park for the international service outsource in Zhejiang province. Co-operation Form: The foreign investors may either set up foreign wholly owned or joint venture enterprises with modern service sector in the multimedia industrial park. The investors can lease the buildings which have been finished in the park Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government will conduct the survey service prior to the project investment for the investors, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Multimedia Industrial Park is jointly invested and developed by Changning District Multimedia Industrial Park in Shanghai and Wuxing District People’s Government. Correspondence: Contact Person: Yu Fengyong, Telephone: 0572-2289565 Fax: 0572-2289562 E-mail: yfyhnr@163.com Address: Room 10118, 1 Wuxing Boulavard, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313100 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:現代物流裝備制造園 項目所屬行業:裝備制造 項目落戶地:吳興區 項目背景及建設條件: 湖州現代物流裝備高新技術產業園區是浙江省省級示范園區, 位于中國經濟發展最開放、最活躍、最具國際競爭力的的長江三角洲地區,其經濟總量占到全中國GDP的21%,物流總額占全中國的20%。經過多年發展,已經成為中國重要的物流裝備制造業規模企業群集聚地,主要產品涉及倉儲分揀設備、通用裝備機械、通用零部件、大型機械配件等,形成了較為完整的零部件配套供應基地。目前園區核心區域已建成,已有三一重工、德馬物流、久立集團等四十幾家現代物流裝備規上企業入駐?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 園區框架已拉開,平臺建設已基本完成?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 總投資45000 萬美元,項目位于湖州現代物流裝備高新技術產業園區的核心區域,規劃面積1000畝,總投資不少于30億元人民幣。將以大型物流裝備制造企業為核心,建設現代物流裝備技術創新基地、現代物流裝備電子與軟件智能產業基地、現代物流裝備高端制造產業基地?! 『献鲀热菖c要求: 不限 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策。項目投資前期調查服務、項目審批全程代理服務、項目建設跟蹤聯系服務、外來人員生活幫助服務?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 項目中方為湖州市吳興區南太湖高新區。吳興區區位獨特,位于長三角經濟圈地理中心的吳興,與上海、杭州均在1小時物流半徑內,公路、鐵路、水路運輸發達;是東部沿海內陸連接的交通樞紐,是長三角區域的“一核六帶”的交匯點?! ÷撓等耍簠?霜 聯系電話: 0572-2536039 傳真:0572-2536051 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市吳興區工業路1號湖州南太湖高新技術產業園區 招商服務局 郵編:313000
Project No. 19
Project: Modern Logistics Equipment Manufacturing Park Industry: Equipment Manufacturing Project Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: Huzhou New and High Technology Industrial Park for Modern Logistics Equipment is the provincial level demonstration park of Zhejiang Province. The Yangtze River Delta is known for its most opening, dynamic and competitive economy in China, whose GDP has constituted 21 % of the country’s total. The overall volume of logistics sector in the region occupies 20% of the nation’s total. After development for years, this region has gathered lots of major companies for logistics equipment manufacturing. Their main products involve storage and sorting equipment, general equipment and machinery, general components and large machinery spare parts etc. A complete supply and support base for components and spare parts has been set up. Nowadays, the core area of the industrial park has been built, in which more than forty logistics equipment companies, such as Sany Heavy Industry, Damon Logistics, Jiuli Group, have settled. Project Progress: The framework of the industrial park has been shaped and the platform construction has been completed basically. Plan of Implementation: The total investment of the project amounts 450 million US dollars, which covers a planning area of 1,000 mu, and is located in the core area of Huzhou New and High Technology Industrial Park for Modern Logistics Equipment. Based upon large logistics equipment manufacturing companies, the project is planned to set up a technological innovation base for modern logistics equipment, an electronics and software industrial base for modern logistics equipment and a high end manufacturing base for modern logistics equipment. Co-operation Form: The collaboration form for the project is not limited. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors will enjoy various preferential policies promulgated by the local government. The local government will conduct the survey service prior to the project investment by the investors, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou. Status of Chinese Partner: The project is implemented by Wuxing district southern Taihu lake new high-tech park. Wuxing district of Huzhou city is located at the geographical center of Yangtze river delta, within the reach of Shanghai and Hangzhou by about an hour drive, enjoying unique location advantages. With the highly developed highway, railway and waterway facilities, Wuxing is the transport hub which links the eastern coastal area with the inland. Correspondence: Contact Person: Wu Xiang Telephone: 0572-2536039 Fax: 0572-2536051 Address: Wuxing District Southern Taihu Lake New High-tech Park, 1 Gongye Road, Wuxing District, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000
項目名稱:南太湖產業聚集區織東新區招商項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:吳興區 項目背景及建設條件: 南太湖產業聚集區是湖州市圍繞“大平臺、大產業、大項目、大企業”發展戰略,積極打造的優質項目承載平臺,也是浙江省重點建設的14個省級產業集聚區之一??棖|新區是南太湖產業集聚區的重要組成部分,也是吳興工業園大項目的主要承載平臺之一,距湖州市中心15公里、杭州75公里、上海115公里,緊鄰申蘇浙皖(G50)高速織里出入口??棖|新區位于吳興工業園東側,規劃面積6.08平方公里,東至G50(申蘇浙皖)、S12(申嘉湖)高速公路連接線,南至318國道、長湖申航道,西至大港路,北至湖織大道?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: “一縱五橫”的道路框架已全面拉開,年底全線貫通,同時,供水、供熱、電力、污水處理等設施已在配套中?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 引進裝備制造、光電新能源、信息技術、現代服務產業企業,單個項目投資1億元或1000萬美元以上?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策。項目投資前期調查服務、項目審批全程代理服務、項目建設跟蹤聯系服務、外來人員生活幫助服務。 項目中方情況簡介: 項目中方為湖州市吳興區南太湖高新區。吳興區區位獨特,位于長三角經濟圈地理中心的吳興,與上海、杭州均在1小時物流半徑內,公路、鐵路、水路運輸發達;是東部沿海內陸連接的交通樞紐,是長三角區域的“一核六帶”的交匯點?! ÷撓等耍嘿M先生 聯系電話:0572-3218995 傳真: 0572- 3218213 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市吳興大道8號吳興區織里鎮行政中心 郵編:313008
Project No. 20
Project: Industrial Investment Project in Eastern New Zone Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Wuxing District Project Background and Conditions: By implementing the development strategies of big platform, big industry, big projects and big enterprises, Huzhou city built up Southern Taihu Lake Industrial Agglomeration Zone as an important platform for big and fine projects, which is one of fourteen key industrial gathering zones in Zhejiang province. The new zone in Eastern Zhili town is an important part of Southern Taihu Lake Industrial Agglomeration Zone and it is also one of the major platforms for the big projects invested in Wuxing Industrial Park. The site is 15 km away from the downtown of Huzhou city, 75 km away from Hangzhou, 115 km away from Shanghai, and neighbors the entrance and exit of G50 expressway. The eastern new zone is located at the eastern side of Wuxing Industrial Park, covering a planning area of 6.08 km2, and linking with G50 and S12 expressways in the east and 318 state highway in the south and Changxing-Huzhou-Shanghai waterway, and connecting to Dagang Road in the west and Huzhou-Zhili Blvd. in the north. Project Progress: The road construction with the framework of three horizontal ones and one vertical one has started up and by the year end, all of the road will be open to traffic. Meanwhile, the infrastructure facilities for water supply, heating, electric power and sewage treatment are under construction. Plan of Implementation: The park plans to introduce the companies engaged in equipment manufacturing, new energy, information technology, modern service sector. Each project shall have an investment of more than RMB 100 million or USD 10 million. Co-operation Form: The projects in cooperation form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture are sought in the park. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The local government will conduct the survey service prior to the project investment by the investors, offer one-stop service for project examination and approval and follow-up service for project construction, and assist the foreign management and professionals who live in Huzhou. Status of Chinese Partner: Wuxing district of Huzhou city is located at the geographical center of Yangtze river delta, within the reach of Shanghai and Hangzhou by about an hour drive, enjoying unique location advantages. With the highly developed highway, railway and waterway facilities, Wuxing is the transport hub which links the eastern coastal area with the inland. Correspondence: Contact Person: Mr. Fei Telephone: 0572-3218995 Fax: 0572-3218213 Address: Zhili Township Administration Center, Wuxing District, 8 Wuxing Blvd., Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313108 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:浙江屹立電梯有限公司電梯品牌合作項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:浙江省南潯經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 本公司坐落于中國百強區湖州市南潯區,交通十分便利。公司已成為一家在電梯行業擁有豐富電梯制造經驗的專業廠家。屹立電梯現尋求國外知名電梯合作伙伴,以致力于提供價格更合理的創新產品,使公司產品和服務更能讓顧客滿意。該項目需新建廠房,提供全套設備,銷售及服務網絡。 項目建設規模和建設內容: 本公司現有土地面積50畝,廠房建筑面積25000平方米左右。項目總投資2000萬美元,擬引進外來資金1500萬美元,投資回收期為5年。 合作內容與要求:中外方企業合資、合作。 項目中方可提供的合作條件:提供土地和部分合作技術。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江屹立電梯有限公司是一家民營股份制企業,主要生產各種規格的乘客電梯、住宅電梯、無機房電梯、觀光電梯、病床電梯、液壓電梯、載貨電梯、汽車用電梯、自動扶梯及雜物電梯。公司目前裝備有現代化的制造設備、檢測設備,包括數控剪板機、數控折彎機、數控金屬薄板開槽機、數控轉塔沖床等,年生產能力為3000臺,產品已成功銷往國內各大中城市。企業也已通過國家二級技術等級驗收及ISO9000國際認證?! ÷撓等耍贺惱^紅 聯系電話:0572-3911945 傳真:0572-3018279 E-mail: Nx_kfq@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市南潯鎮人瑞路601號 郵編:313009
Project No. 21
Project: Partnership for Elevator Brand with Zhejiang Yili Elevator Co., Ltd. Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Nanxun District Project Background and Conditions: Zhejiang Yili Elevators Co., Ltd. is located in the China top-hundred town – Nanxun, enjoying easy access. The company is a professional manufacturer of elevators with rich production experience in domestic elevator industry. Now Yili Elevators is seeking an international elevator brand which is famous in the world for partnership, in order that the company is dedicated to deliver the innovated products to the customers with more reasonable price, and satisfies the customers with the quality products and service of the company. The project is planned to build a new factory with a complete set of production equipment, sales, marketing and service network.. Plan of Implementation: The company now owns a land of 50 mu area, with a workshop building floorage of 25,000 m2. The project investment totals 20 million US dollars. We desire to introduce 15 US dollars from our foreign partner. The investment will be paid off within five years. Co-operation Form: Yili Elevators will enter into a partnership with the foreign counterpart in the form of joint venture enterprise. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The company will contribute the land and some production technology to the joint venture. Status of Chinese Partner: Zhejiang Yili Elevators Co., Ltd. is a privately owned joint stock company, mainly engaged in manufacturing passenger lifts, residential lifts, elevators without machine rooms, tourist lifts, hospital elevators, hydraulic lifts, freight lifts, vehicle elevator, automatic escalators and cargo elevators. The company is equipped with state-of-the-art production facilities and testing devices, such as NC shearing machines, NC benders, NC groove-cutting machines for metal sheets, NC turret punching presses etc. The company is capable of producing 3,000 sets elevators annually. Its products have been sold to the cities throughout China successfully. The company has passed the state technical level II receiving inspection and ISO9000 international certification. Correspondence: Contact Person: Bei Jihong Telephone: 0572-3911945 Fax: 0572-3018279 E-mail: nx_kfq@163.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, 601 Renrui Road, Nanxun Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313009 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:大型船舶配件制造項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:浙江省南潯經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 我國"十一五"規劃明確提出現階段要抓住船舶工業發展的關鍵時期,壯大船舶工業實力。到2015年,我國造船產量占世界份額將達到35%以上,接近或超過韓國,成為世界一流的造船大國。南潯區地處上海經濟圈腹地,距離長三角各大港口距離近。南潯經濟開發區管委會擬規劃在倉儲物流基地附近建設大型船舶配件制造項目。該項目選址位于東方萊茵河”長湖申航道,該航道為三級航道,是浙江省重要的干線航道之一,也是上海等周邊城市建設的運輸生命線。目前,航道船舶日均流量達到1500艘,年貨運量超億噸。而且,附近規劃建設大型的倉儲物流基地和鋼材城基地,交通十分便利,是建造船舶配件的良好場所。 項目準備或進展情況: 本項目已完成商務計劃書及可行性研究報告?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目總投資約10億元,注冊資本3.15億元,資金來源為自籌及商請銀行貸款。擬用地面積100畝,包括輕工、重工、裝配三座標準化的車間廠房。 合作內容與要求:外商獨資或中外方企業合資?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 南潯經濟開發區對入駐開發區項目提供專人服務,全程協助辦理各項手續。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江南潯經濟開發區成立于1993年11月。湖州市南潯區經濟實力居中國百強前茅,交通十分便利,距上海100公里,距杭州100公里。開發區首期規劃面積8.5平方公里,現管轄面積34平方公里,其中城市規劃區面積23平方公里,下轄14個行政村,常住人口2.75萬人。 聯系人:張曉科 聯系電話:0572-3919755 傳真:0572-3919755 E-mail: Nx_kfq@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市南潯鎮人瑞路601號 郵編:313009
Project No. 22
Project: Large Marine Parts Manufacturing Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Nanxun District Project Background and Conditions: The state twelfth five-year plan clearly indicated to grasp the key period for development of the marine industry, and enhances the strengths of the ship-building industry. China will have a share of more than 35% of the total volume of the world’s ship-building in 2015, and become a first class ship-builder in the world. Nanxun town, located in the hinterland of Shanghai economic circle, is close to the major ports in Yangtze River Delta. Nanxun Economic Development Zone Administrative Committee plans to build a large marine parts manufacturing project which neighbors the logistics base in Nanxun. The selected project site neighbors Chang-Hu-Shen waterway known as the oriental Rhine, a waterway with the Grade III, one of the major waterway in Zhejiang province. This waterway is also the lifeline which transports the building materials to Shanghai and other big cities. Now there are average 1500 ships passing through the waterway each day. The annual freight handling capacity has reached more than 100 million tonnages. Furthermore, the project site, near the large warehousing and logistics base and steel supply base under construction, enjoying easy access, is the best place to manufacture large marine parts. Project Progress: The project business plan and feasibility study report have been completed. Plan of Implementation: The project investment totals about RMB 1 billion, with a registered asset of RMB 315 million. The investment capitals will be raised by self-financing and bank loans. The construction items, with a land area of 100 mu, include three standard factory buildings for light industry, heavy industry and assembly. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone will have personnel to serve the projects settled in the zone, and offer one-stop service to arrange all of the formalities. Status of Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone was established in Nov. 1993. Nanxun district, Huzhou city, a top-hundred town in China, is 100 km away from Shanghai and Hangzhou and enjoys easy access. The first phase of the development zone construction was planned with an area of 8.5 km2. Now the development zone has a jurisdiction area of 34 km2, of which the urban planning area is 23 km2, fourteen administrative villages and a resident population of 27,500. Correspondence: Contact Person: Zhang Xiaoke Telephone: 0572-3919755 Fax: 0572-3919755 E-mail: nx_kfq@163.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, 601 Renrui Road, Nanxun Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313009 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:微特電機制造項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:浙江省南潯經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 經過30多年的成長發展,電機產業已成為南潯經濟開發區三大支柱產業之一。目前,開發區有規模以上企業10多家、各種特色中、小企業近20家,年產各類電機一千七百多萬臺,產值10.1億元人民幣,產品覆蓋管狀電機、卷簾機、洗衣機電機、空調電機、油煙機電機、風扇電機等八大系列近百個品種,國內市場占有率10%。以南潯區舉全區之力打造特種小功率電機產業集群基地,著力構建“中國特種小功率電機名城”為契機,開發區電機產業正迎來新的發展機遇期。政府可提供相關優惠政策,投資購買土地自建廠房。 項目準備或進展情況: 已完成可行性分析?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目擬引進無污染、低能耗、技術和設備先進的微特電機制造企業,項目年產750萬臺微特電機,總投資3000萬美元,投產后,預計年銷售收入達4.5億元,年利潤達5000萬元,投資回收期為4年?! 『献鲀热菖c要求: 獨資和合資均可。若合資,開發區可提供本區域內電機企業進行洽談?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 南潯經濟開發區對入駐開發區項目提供專人服務,全程協助辦理各項手續。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江南潯經濟開發區成立于1993年11月。湖州市南潯區經濟實力居中國百強前茅,交通十分便利,距上海100公里,距杭州100公里。開發區首期規劃面積8.5平方公里,現管轄面積34平方公里,其中城市規劃區面積23平方公里,下轄14個行政村,常住人口2.75萬人。 聯系人:貝繼紅 聯系電話:0572-3911945 傳真:0572-3018279 E-mail: Nx_kfq@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市南潯鎮人瑞路601號 郵編:313009
Project No. 23
Project: Special Miniature Motors Manufacturing Industry: Machinery Manufacturing Project Site: Nanxun District Project Background and Conditions: The motor industry has become one of three pillar industries in Nanxun Economic Development Zone after the development for three decades. Now there are more than ten motor-building companies above the designated size, and nearly twenty middle and small sized motor companies in the development zone, with an annual output of 17 million and a production value of RMB 1.01 billion. The products span tubular motors, rolling door motors, washing machine motors, air conditioning motors, exhauster motors and fan motors etc. seven series with nearly one hundred specifications. The motor products made in Nanxun occupy 10 % of the domestic motor market. This project is proposed to forge a miniature motor production base with all powers of Nanxun district. By taking the opportunities of building a famous city for special miniature motors manufacturing in China, the development zone is facing new period for development opportunities. The local government can offer relevant preferential policies and land. The foreign investors can purchase the land to build the factory by themselves. Project Progress: The project feasibility study report has been finished. Plan of Implementation: The project intends to introduce the special miniature motors manufacturing companies with pollution-free, low energy consumption and advanced production equipment, which is able to produce 7.5 million sets of special miniature motors annually. The project investment amount totals 30 million US dollars. After the project puts into production, an annual sales income of RMB 450 million can be achieved, with an annual profit of RMB 50 million. The investment amount is estimated to be paid off within four years. Co-operation Form: The foreign investors may set up the factory in the development zone either in the form of foreign wholly owned or joint venture enterprise. If the potential investors are interested in setting up a joint venture, they may collaborate with the local motor manufacturers and build up a partnership. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone will have personnel to serve the projects settled in the zone, and offer one-stop service to arrange all of the formalities. Status of Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone was established in Nov. 1993. Nanxun district, Huzhou city, a top-hundred town in China, is 100 km away from Shanghai and Hangzhou and enjoys easy access. The first phase of the development zone construction was planned with an area of 8.5 km2. Now the development zone has a jurisdiction area of 34 km2, of which the urban planning area is 23 km2, fourteen administrative villages and a resident population of 27,500. Correspondence: Contact Person: Bei Jihong Telephone: 0572-3911945 Fax: 0572-3018279 E-mail: nx_kfq@163.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, 601 Renrui Road, Nanxun Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313009 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:電梯配件項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:南潯經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 電梯是南潯區的一大特色支柱產業,經過30多年的發展,現已形成了以自動扶梯、自動人行道、無機房電梯、觀光電梯等為主要產品的電梯產業群體,在國內電梯行業具有一定影響。2008年,南潯區電梯省級高新技術特色產業基地創建方案通過浙江省科技廳專家組的論證,對進一步集聚電梯整機及配套制造企業,促進產業協作分工和資源優化配置,提高產業的技術水平和核心競爭力,加快電梯特色塊狀經濟發展具有重大意義。該項目以創建特色基地為契機,充分利用環境創新、集聚發展、政策傾斜等優勢,順因趨勢,具有廣闊的發展前景。 項目準備或進展情況:本項目已完成可行性研究報告?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目用地已完成農轉,具備招拍掛條件。項目擬總投資4000萬美元,注冊資本3000美元,項目年產電梯配件成套設備30萬套。投產后,年產值達2億美元、利潤達1800萬美元,預計5年可收回投資?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 南潯經濟開發區對入駐開發區項目提供專人服務,全程協助辦理各項手續。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江南潯經濟開發區成立于1993年11月。湖州市南潯區經濟實力居中國百強前茅,交通十分便利,距上海100公里,距杭州100公里。開發區首期規劃面積8.5平方公里,現管轄面積34平方公里,其中城市規劃區面積23平方公里,下轄14個行政村,常住人口2.75萬人。 聯系人:貝繼紅 聯系電話:0572-3911945 傳真:0572-3018279 E-mail: Nx_kfq@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市南潯鎮人瑞路601號 郵編:313009
Project No. 24
Project: Elevator Parts Manufacturing Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Nanxun District Project Background and Conditions: The elevator manufacturing is a specialty pillar industry in Nanxun. After the development for three decades, an elevator industrial cluster with the main products escalators, moving sidewalks, elevators without machine room and tourist lifts etc has been taken into shape in Nanxun. In 2008, the expert team from Zhejiang provincial department of science and technology examined and approved the program for setting up a provincial level elevator industry base with new high-tech of Nanxun district. It will further agglomerate the companies for elevators and supporting industry, promote the industrial coordination and collaborative division and resource optimization, escalate the technical levels and core competitiveness of the elevator industry, and expedite the development of the specialty lump economy for elevator manufacturing in Nanxun. This project will take the opportunities of developing the specialty base and fully take the advantages of technological innovation, agglomeration and development and supporting policies etc. The project has a broad prospect for development. Project Progress: The project feasibility study report has been finished. Plan of Implementation: The land for the project development has been acquired, which meets the conditions of bidding for land. The project is planned to invest a total amount of 40 million US dollars with a registered asset of 30 million US dollars. The project will produce 300,000 pieces of elevator parts. After the project puts into production, an annual output value of 200 million US dollars with a profit of 18 million US dollars will be achieved. The total investment is estimated to be paid off within five years. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone will have personnel to serve the projects settled in the zone, and offer one-stop service to arrange all of the formalities. Status of Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone was established in Nov. 1993. Nanxun district, Huzhou city, a top-hundred town in China, is 100 km away from Shanghai and Hangzhou and enjoys easy access. The first phase of the development zone construction was planned with an area of 8.5 km2. Now the development zone has a jurisdiction area of 34 km2, of which the urban planning area is 23 km2, fourteen administrative villages and a resident population of 27,500. Correspondence: Contact Person: Bei Jihong Telephone: 0572-3911945 Fax: 0572-3018279 E-mail: nx_kfq@163.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, 601 Renrui Road, Nanxun Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313009 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:南潯鋼材城項目 項目所屬行業:物流業 項目落戶地:浙江省南潯經濟開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 南潯區位于浙江省北部,地處長江三角洲、上海經濟圈腹地。目前,區內以松江鋼材城為主的經銷網絡已經基本形成,年鋼材吞吐量已達到200萬噸,而在湖州市區范圍內的主要鋼材交易市場僅此一處,但由于受到經營場所及其他條件的約束已滿足不了鋼材物流的發展需要。投資建設一個功能齊全,網絡化、智能化、人性化、環保型的大型鋼鐵加工配送中心時機日趨成熟。 項目準備或進展情況:本項目已完成可行性研究報告?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目計劃投資建設一個功能齊全、網絡化、智能化、人性化、環保型的大型鋼鐵加工配送中心。項目建成后將形成包括總部經濟區、商戶企業、倉儲、碼頭在內的完整的鋼材物流及貿易中心,并在五年內,建成浙江地區最大的現代化鋼材物流中心。項目總投資約30億元人民幣,分兩期投資,其中首期20億元人民幣、二期10億元人民幣。項目一次性規劃,二次供地,一期給予供地300畝,二期給予供地200畝。首期項目預計入駐500家鋼貿企業,第二期入駐企業預計500至600家,一、二期共計引進入駐企業預計1000家,項目建成后年鋼材吞吐量1200萬噸,年交易額480億元,就業3500人。 合作內容與要求:中外方合資?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 南潯經濟開發區對入駐開發區項目提供專人服務,全程協助辦理各項手續。 項目中方情況簡介: 浙江南潯經濟開發區成立于1993年11月。湖州市南潯區經濟實力居中國百強前茅,交通十分便利,距上海100公里,距杭州100公里。開發區首期規劃面積8.5平方公里,現管轄面積34平方公里,其中城市規劃區面積23平方公里,下轄14個行政村,常住人口2.75萬人?! ÷撓等耍鹤T國棟 聯系電話:0572-3918885 傳真:0572-3918885 E-mail: Nx_kfq@163.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市南潯鎮人瑞路601號 郵編:313009
Project No. 25
Project: Steel Materials Distribution Facilities Industry: Logistics Sector Project Background and Conditions: Nanxun is situated in the northern part of Zhejiang province, the hinterland of Shanghai economic circle. Now the sales and marketing network led by Shanghai Songjiang Steel Materials Distribution Center has taken into shape. Its handling volume for steel materials has achieved 2 million tonnages annually. All of the steel materials now consumed in Huzhou city come from this trading center. But due to the limitations of trading and other conditions, now it is not able to meet the development needs for steel material logistics any more. The time to set up a large steel materials processing and distribution center with complete functions and networks is mature. Project Progress: The project feasibility study report has been completed. Plan of Implementation: The project plans to build a large steel materials distribution center with complete functions and networks. A complete steel distribution and trading facilities will include the corporate head office area, trading firms, warehouses and wharfs etc after the project puts into operation. It is our purpose to build it into the biggest modern steel logistics facility in Zhejiang within five year, totaling an investment of RMB 3 billion, and the investment will be divided two phases. The first phase engages an investment of RMB 2 billion and a land area of 300 mu, while the second phase will have an investment of RMB 1 billion and a land area of 200 mu. The first phase of the project will settle in 500 steel trading firms, and the second phase is expected for 500 – 600 firms, so totally 1000 firms will be introduced into the project. The total handling volume for steel materials will achieve 12 million tonnages annually, with an annual transaction amount of RMB 48 billion and 3500 new jobs. Co-operation Form: Joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone will have personnel to serve the projects settled in the zone, and offer one-stop service to arrange all of the formalities. Status of Chinese Partner: Nanxun Economic Development Zone was established in Nov. 1993. Nanxun district, Huzhou city, a top-hundred town in China, is 100 km away from Shanghai and Hangzhou and enjoys easy access. The first phase of the development zone construction was planned with an area of 8.5 km2. Now the development zone has a jurisdiction area of 34 km2, of which the urban planning area is 23 km2, fourteen administrative villages and a resident population of 27,500. Correspondence: Contact Person: Tan Guodong Telephone: 0572-3918885 Fax: 0572-3918885 E-mail: nx_kfq@163.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, 601 Renrui Road, Nanxun Town, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313009 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:新能源電動車 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:湖州經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 湖州開發區內汽車產業鏈正逐步形成。該新能源汽車的項目符合行業發展的需求和政策的導向。1、新能源動力汽車產業已列入湖州市“十二五規劃”中重點發展產業,具有較為成熟的發展基礎和政策環境;2、開發區內汽車及零配件產業已有了初步的產業集聚,已形成了動力電池、汽車發電機、精密軸承、純電動力系統等產業的配套基礎;3、項目合作方湖州客車廠擁有乘用車汽車生產目錄,可合資合作開發項目?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況:項目還對外招商階段?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 該項目占地面積600畝左右,主要建設內容為新能源動力汽車研發、生產中心。項目總投資3億美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:項目由中外雙方合資或合作經營?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件:中方可提供土地、廠房?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州客車廠始建于1956年,企業總建筑面積4.2萬平方米,總投資約3億人民幣。目前公司主要產品為各類改裝車、特種車輛。該公司現擁有改裝車和乘用車生產目錄,可接受合資、合作企業共同開發該項目?! ÷撓等耍豪?靜 聯系電話:0572-2165352 傳真:0572-2105751 E-mail:Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市龍溪路208號 郵編:313000
Project No. 26
Project: New Energy Electric Vehicles Industry: Automobile Manufacturing Project Site: Huzhou Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: An automotive industrial chain is taking into shape in Huzhou economic and technology development zone. The project of new energy electric vehicles conforms to the industrial development demands and policy guidance determined by Huzhou municipal government. 1.The industry of the vehicles driven by new energy has been listed in the twelfth five-year plan period as the key industry for development by Huzhou municipality. Huzhou has mature development foundation and policy conditions. 2.The automobiles and auto parts industry has begun to agglomerate in the development zone, which has formed a supporting foundations for power batteries, auto generators, precision bearings and electric vehicle systems etc. 3.Huzhou Bus Factory, a local vehicle maker, is able to collaborate with the foreign investors for this project. Project Progress: The project is proposed to look for the foreign investors who are interested in this project. Plan of Implementation: The project covers a land area of 600 mu, mainly engages in R&D and production of new energy vehicles, with a total investment of 300 million US dollars. Co-operation Form: The project will be conducted in the form of joint venture enterprise through partnership with Huzhou Bus Factory. Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The Chinese partner Huzhou Bus Factory will contribute to its land and factory to the joint venture. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Bus Factory, established in 1956, has a building floorage of 42,000 m2 and a total asset of RMB 300 million. Now the main products of the company are various types of refitted vehicles and special-purpose vehicles The references of customers and projects for refitted vehicles and other vehicles are available upon request. The company will collaborate with the foreign partners for the development of this project. Correspondence: Contact Person: Li Jing Telephone: 0572-2165352 Fax: 0572-2105751 E-mail: Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn Address: 208 Longxi Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:醫療康復、護理設備及器械研發生產項目 項目所屬行業:制造業 項目落戶地:湖州經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 項目以研發生產醫療康復、護理設備及器械為主的企業尋求合作,區內現有從事生物芯片、生物醫藥及醫療診斷技術、細胞治療和基因工程應用研究、非離子型纖維素醚生產、新型藥物制劑研究及血糖控制領域產品研發等多家生物醫藥的醫療器械研發和生產企業。園區以“高科技基礎、生態型園區”的建設要求,努力打造成為國際接軌、國內知名、浙江領先的“湖州市生物醫藥和醫療設備器械制造產業基地”?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況:項目正在招商中?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目占地50畝。湖州南太湖高新技術產業園,規劃面積3.7平方公里,功能定位為湖州市醫療器械和生物醫藥研發及生產基地,主導產業為醫藥制藥、醫藥制藥設備生產和醫療器械生產、科研中試成果轉化基地。項目總投資2000萬美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州經濟技術開發區與湖州市區相連,行政管轄面積160平方公里,規劃面積近70平方公里,是湖州市新城區的中心,由浙江省人民政府于1992年批準設立。2000年省政府批準在湖州經濟開發區內設立浙江省湖州高新技術產業園區及浙江省留學生創業園。2010年3月湖州開發區被國務院批準升級為國家級經濟技術開發區?! ÷撓等耍豪?靜 聯系電話:0572-2165352 傳真:0572-2105751 E-mail:Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市龍溪路208號 郵編:313000
Project No. 27
Project: Medical Rehabilitation and Nursing Instruments Industry: Manufacturing Project Site: Huzhou Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: The project seeks for the companies with R&D and production for medical rehabilitation and nursing instruments to cooperate with us. Now there are a number of biopharmaceutical and medical instruments R&D and production companies in the development zone, such as bio-chips, biopharmaceutical and medical diagnosis technology, cell treatment and genetic engineering application research, non-ionic cellulose ethers production, new pharmaceutical preparation research and R&D for blood glucose control products. Huzhou development zone is forging an advanced industrial base for biopharmaceutical and medical instruments manufacturing in Huzhou, based upon the principles of high technology and ecology. Project Progress: The project is looking for the foreign investors who are interested in this project. Plan of Implementation: The project with an area of 50 mu, known as the R&D and production base for medical instruments and biopharmaceutical, focuses on pharmaceutical, pharmaceutical equipment and medical instruments, scientific research midterm trial result transfer, with a total investment of USD 20 million. Huzhou southern Taihu lake new high technology industrial park is planned to cover a land area of 3.7 km2. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors will enjoy various preferential policies promulgated by the government and development zone administrative committee. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone neighbors Huzhou city proper. With a jurisdiction area of 160 km2 and a planned area of 70 km2, it is also the center of Huzhou new city area. The development zone was approved to establish in 1993 by Zhejiang provincial people’s government. The provincial government approved to set up Huzhou new and high technology industrial park and Zhejiang provincial oversea Chinese students venture park in the development zone in 2000. In March 2010, Huzhou development zone was approved to escalate the national level by the state council. Correspondence: Contact Person: Li Jing Telephone: 0572-2165352 Fax: 0572-2105751 E-mail: Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn Address: 208 Longxi Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:重型工程機械裝備 項目所屬行業:機械制造業 項目落戶地:湖州經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 主要建設內容為先進重型工程機械裝備生產、研發中心。1、重工裝備制造業屬于湖州市重點發展的高新技術產業之一,已列入湖州市“十二五規劃”中重點發展產業;2、產業配套基礎趨于完善,湖州市及開發區內已有阿祥重工、三一重工、神啟重工等多家重型機械裝備企業,并已相繼成為業內的龍頭企業;3、長三角地理中心區位優勢較明顯,有利于該產業的區域資源整合及產業配套?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 該項目占地面積100畝左右,項目總投資6000萬美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資合作 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 項目外來投資者將享受各類優惠的投資政策?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州經濟技術開發區與湖州市區相連,行政管轄面積160平方公里,規劃面積近70平方公里,是湖州市新城區的中心。是由浙江省人民政府于1992年批準設立。2000年省政府批準在湖州經濟開發區內設立浙江省湖州高新技術產業園區及浙江省留學生創業園。2010年3月湖州開發區被國務院批準升級為國家級經濟技術開發區?! ÷撓等耍豪?靜 聯系電話:0572-2165352 傳真:0572-2105751 E-mail:Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市龍溪路208號 郵編:313000
Project No. 28
Project: Heavy Construction Machinery Industry: Machinery Manufacturing Project Site: Huzhou Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: The project is proposed to set up a R&D and production base for heavy construction equipment. The heavy construction equipment manufacturing is the key industry for development in Huzhou city, and has been listed in the 12th five-year plan by Huzhou municipal government. The supporting foundation for the industry is complete. Now there are a number of heavy machinery companies which have bee settled in Huzhou city and its development zone, such as Axiang Heavy Industry, Sany Heavy Machinery and Shengqi Heavy Machines etc., which have become the leaders in the domestic industry. Huzhou development zone is located in the geographical center of Yangtze River Delta and enjoys location advantages, in favor of integrating the industrial resources in the region and supporting this industry. Plan of Implementation: The project covers a land area of about 100 mu with a total investment of 60 million dollars. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors will enjoy various preferential policies promulgated by the government and development zone administrative committee. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone neighbors Huzhou city proper. With a jurisdiction area of 160 km2 and a planned area of 70 km2, it is also the center of Huzhou new city area. The development zone was approved to establish in 1993 by Zhejiang provincial people’s government. The provincial government approved to set up Huzhou new high-tech industrial park and Zhejiang provincial oversea Chinese students venture park in the development zone in 2000. In March 2010, Huzhou development zone was approved to escalate the national level by the state council. Correspondence: Contact Person: Li Jing Telephone: 0572-2165352 Fax: 0572-2105751 E-mail: Kfqlij@huzhou.gov.cn Address: 208 Longxi Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:湖州南太湖生物醫藥產業園 項目所屬行業:生物醫藥 項目落戶地:湖州經濟技術開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 生物醫藥產業是湖州市重點發展的高新技術產業之一。湖州市生物醫藥產業起步于上世紀80年代,發展于90年代,已經形成了一定的產業基礎。特別是湖州將生物與醫藥產業列入大力培育的高技術產業后,產業得到較快增長,涌現了一批在全國聞名的特色企業和優勢產品。為進一步凝聚資源打造促進生物醫藥產業大發展的大平臺,在山水環繞、交通便捷的三天門規劃建設生物醫藥產業園?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 區塊基礎設施完善,產業用地具備出讓條件,對外招商進行中;南太湖科技創新孵化中心7萬平方米?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 項目的目標是形成國際先進水平的基因、蛋白質、干細胞、單克隆抗體、植物提取、藥用輔料等產業集群,培育國際先進水平的化學藥新劑型、重大疾病藥物生產企業,形成國際先進水平的醫療器械產業集群和國內先進水平的營養保健品產業集群,發展醫藥冷鏈物流產業,發展生物醫藥產業服務外包,建設符合國家新版GMP標準和國際cGMP標準的生物醫藥企業,加速形成研發—中試—產業化的完整價值鏈體系?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 湖州經濟技術開發區能提供生物醫藥產業園產業用地,科技項目可落戶開發區內的南太湖科技創新中心孵化?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州經濟技術開發區是全國50強國家級經濟技術開發區(2012年國家級經濟技術開發區綜合考核中名列全省第3名、全國第48位),開發區內設有省級湖州高新技術產業園區、省級湖州留學人員創業園、中科院湖州應用技術研究與產業化中心、南太湖科技創新中心,是浙江省生物醫藥高技術產業基地和全省唯一的浙江省藥監局駐湖州經濟技術開發區工作服務站,以及浙江省海外高層次人才創新創業基地”(在全省14家國家級開發區中,僅有杭州、湖州開發區獲此稱號) 聯系人:嚴云娟 聯系電話:13505720555 傳真:0572-2102754 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市金茂大廈A座1509室 郵編:313000
Project No. 29
Project: Biopharmaceutical Industry Park Industry: Biopharmaceutical Project Site: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: The biopharmaceutical sector is one of the new high technology industries which Huzhou municipality stresses to develop. Starting in 1980’s and developing in 1990’s, the biopharmaceutical industry in Huzhou has shaped its industrial foundation. The biopharmaceutical sector in Huzhou is booming. Particularly after it has been listed in the category of high technology industries which will be made great efforts to cultivate by the municipal government, a number of companies and advantageous products well known in the nation have emerged. In order to concentrate resources to build a big platform and boost the development of biopharmaceutical industry, this project is planned to build a biopharmaceutical industry park in Santianmen, Huzhou city. Project Progress: The infrastructure and supporting facilities have been perfected in the zone and the industrial land in the zone boasts mature transfer conditions. The investment facilitation and invitation are ongoing. The Southern Taihu Lake Technological Innovation Center covers an area of 70,000 m2. Plan of Implementation: The objectives of the project are to set up an advanced industrial cluster of genes, proteins, stem cells, monoclonal antibodies, plant extracts and pharmaceutical adjuvant etc., cultivate the producers of new drugs for major diseases, form an industrial cluster for medical instrumentation and production of dietary supplements, develop medical cold chain logistics industry and outsource services for biopharmaceutical industry, build pharmaceutical factories which conform to new national GMP and international cGMP, and accelerate to build a complete value chain system from R&D – midterm test – industrialization. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone can provide the land in the biopharmaceutical park to the investors. The technological projects will be incubated by settling in the southern Taihu lake technological innovative center. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone is a Top 50 National Development Zone of China. It was listed in the 48th in the comprehensive assessment of national development zones in 2012 and ranked the third in Zhejiang province. Huzhou development zone also sets up Zhejiang provincial level Huzhou new high-technology industrial park, Huzhou overseas students pioneer park, China academy of science Huzhou institute of applied technology research and industrialization center, the southern Taihu lake technological innovation center as well as Zhejiang provincial overseas high level talents innovation base. Only two development zones in Hangzhou and Huzhou have been honored such a title. Correspondence: Contact Person: Yan Yunjuan Telephone: 13505720555 Fax: 0572-2102754 Address: Room 1509, Tower A, Jinmao Square, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000
項目名稱:湖州節能環保產業園 項目所屬行業:節能環?! №椖柯鋺舻兀汉萁洕夹g開發區 項目背景及建設條件: 節能環保產業是湖州開發區的主導產業之一,近年來得到了快速發展,并初具規模。已形成先進環保、高效節能、資源循環利用三大產業領域,特別是膜法水處理行業產值占到了國內膜行業產值總量的10%,形成了國內知名的“湖州板塊”。2012年被評為浙江省外商投資新興產業示范基地?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 區塊基礎設施完善,產業用地具備出讓條件,對外招商進行中?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 以先進環保、高效節能、資源循環利用三大領域為核心,突出以節能環保裝備及材料的產業化為重點,積極發展新興水處理技術及裝備、大氣治理技術設備、新能源汽車技術及關鍵部件、高效電動機、半導體照明、環境監測儀器設備、再制造技術裝備、海水淡化技術及設備、節能服務業、環保服務業、再制造服務業等領域?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:獨資或合資 項目中方可提供的合作條件: 提供節能環保產業園用地,優先為產業創新團隊提供南太湖科技創新中心研發中心平臺?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州經濟技術開發區是全國50強國家級經濟技術開發區(2012年國家級經濟技術開發區綜合考核中名列全省第3名、全國第48位),開發區內設有省級湖州高新技術產業園區、省級湖州留學人員創業園、中科院湖州應用技術研究與產業化中心、南太湖科技創新中心,是浙江省生物醫藥高技術產業基地和全省唯一的浙江省藥監局駐湖州經濟技術開發區工作服務站,以及浙江省海外高層次人才創新創業基地”(在全省14家國家級開發區中,僅有杭州、湖州開發區獲此稱號) 聯系人:阮曉明 聯系電話:0572-2117992,13957282066 傳真:0572-2165319 E-mail:Jiqimao2066@sina.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州市金茂廣場A座1511室 郵編:313000
Project No. 30
Project: Energy Saving and Environmental Protection Industry Park Industry: Environmental Industry Project Site: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone Project Background and Conditions: The energy-conserving and environmental-protection industry is known as one of the leading industries in Huzhou Development Zone. In recent years, the environmental industry has been developing rapidly in the zone, where three major industrial fields - the advanced environmental protective industry, efficient energy-conserving industry and resource recycling and utilization industry, have been shaped. Particularly, the output value in the field of membrane water treatment occupies 10 % of the total output of the nation in this field, which is well known in the domestic stock market as Huzhou Stock Sector. In 2012, Huzhou Development Zone was granted the honor title of emerging industrial demonstration base for foreign investors in Zhejiang province. Project Progress: The environmental protection industry park in Huzhou development zone boasts complete infrastructure facilities. The industrial land in the park has mature transfer conditions and the investment promotion is now ongoing. Plan of Implementation: The project will promote three fields - advanced environmental protection, efficient energy saving and resources recycling and utilization as the core of the project and focus on industrializing energy saving and environmental equipment and materials, developing the technologies and equipment of water treatment, atmospheric pollution improvement, new energy automobiles and key parts, efficient motors, semiconductor lighting, environmental monitoring devices, reproduction equipment, seawater desalination, energy saving service, environmental protection service and reproduction service. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned or joint venture Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The land in the energy saving and environmental protection industry park will be provided to the investors. The platform in Southern Taihu Lake Technological Innovation Center R&D facilities will be offered to the industrial innovation team at preferential conditions. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Economic and Technology Development Zone is a Top 50 National-level Development Zone of China. It was listed in the 48th in the comprehensive assessment of national development zones in 2012 and ranked the third in Zhejiang province. Huzhou development zone also sets up Zhejiang provincial Huzhou new high-technology industrial park, Huzhou overseas students pioneer park, China Academy of Science Huzhou institute of applied technology research and industrialization center, the southern Taihu lake technological innovation center as well as Zhejiang provincial overseas high level talents innovation base. Only two development zones in Hangzhou and Huzhou have been honored such a title. Correspondence: Contact Person: Ruan Xiaoming Telephone: 0572-2117992, 13957282066 Fax: 0572-2165319 E-mail: jiqimao2066@sina.com Address: Room 1511, Tower A, Jinmao Square, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000
項目名稱:湖州市國際學校 項目所屬行業:教育 項目落戶地:湖州太湖旅游度假區 項目背景及建設條件: 湖州太湖旅游度假區位于湖州中心城區東北郊,太湖南岸,區內有太湖、弁山、溫泉、法華寺等資源,是湖州市傾力打造的濱湖新城、旅游度假休閑勝地。目前基礎設施已基本完備,高檔居住區集群形成,濱湖新城呼之欲出,現急需建一所具有一流水準的國際學校,以滿足區內居民和整個湖州對優質精英教育的需求。 項目準備或進展情況: 可提供學校建設所需土地,周邊基礎設施已基本配套?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 校區面積100畝左右,可設15-20個班級,總投資3000萬美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:外商獨資?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 提供一定優惠政策,協助外方辦理相關手續,并全程服務?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州太湖旅游度假區位于我國第三大淡水湖—太湖南岸,湖州市主城區北部,水域面積約300平方公里,湖岸線約64.6公里。申蘇浙皖、申嘉湖、杭寧等三條高速公路,318、104等兩條國道貫穿東西,杭長、杭宣兩條鐵路及寧杭高速鐵路穿越期間,距上海、杭州、南京、蘇州等城市均在200公里之內,現為國家AAAA級旅游景區?! ÷撓等耍簭堅啤 ÷撓惦娫挘?572-2151609 傳真:0572-2159907 E-mail:sinsin318@hotmail.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州太湖旅游度假區招商局 郵編:313000
Project No. 31
Project: International School Industry: Education Project Site: Huzhou Taihu Lake Resort Project Background and Conditions: Huzhou Taihu lake resort, located at the northeastern outskirt of Huzhou central city, and at the southern bank of Taihu lake, boasts rich tourism resources, such as Taihu lake, Bianshan mountain, hot spring and Fahua temple. Huzhou city has strived to build a lakeshore new city and resort for decades. Most of the infrastructure facilities in the resort now have been completed. The high-class residential quarters have been built in the lakeshore new city. A first-class international school is planned so as to meet the demands for elite education from the residents in the new city and Huzhou. Project Progress: The resort administrative committee can offer the land needed for the school construction. The infrastructure and supporting facilities in the surrounding areas have been finished. Plan of Implementation: The planned school area is about 100 mu, with 15 – 20 classes, a total investment of 30 million US dollars. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors for the school project will enjoy preferential policies. The resort administrative committee will assist the investors in arrangement of relevant formalities and offer one-stop service. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Taihu Lake Resort, a national AAAA level scenic spot, is located at the southern bank of Taihu Lake, the third largest freshwater lake in China, at the northern part of Huzhou city proper. The resort boasts a water area of 300 km2 and lakeshore line of 64.8 km long. The three expressways, two state highways and three railways traverse the city. It is within the distance of 200 km to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou etc. major cities. Correspondence: Contact Person: Zhang Yun Telephone: 0572-2151609 Fax: 0572-2159907 E-mail: sinsin318@hotmail.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, Taihu Lake Resort, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388
項目名稱:高端養生養老度假綜合體 項目所屬行業:服務業 項目落戶地:湖州太湖旅游度假區 項目背景及建設條件: 度假區內有太湖、弁山、溫泉、法華寺、濕地等資源,是湖州市傾力打造的濱湖新城、旅游度假休閑勝地。隨著我國人口老齡化進程的加速和人民生活水平的不斷提升,對高端養老的需求必將越來越旺盛。度假區將依托地處長三角中心的交通便利和優美的生態環境,打造宜居、樂活的度假養生養老圣地?! №椖繙蕚浠蜻M展情況: 項目位于湖州太湖旅游度假區內,有可供養老度假綜合體建設所需土地,周邊基礎設施已基本配套?! №椖拷ㄔO規模和建設內容: 土地面積20畝左右,總投資2500萬美元?! 『献鲀热菖c要求:外商獨資?! №椖恐蟹娇商峁┑暮献鳁l件: 提供一定優惠政策,協助外方辦理相關手續,并全程服務?! №椖恐蟹角闆r簡介: 湖州太湖旅游度假區位于我國第三大淡水湖—太湖南岸,湖州市主城區北部,水域面積月300平方公里,湖岸線約64.6公里。申蘇浙皖、申嘉湖、杭寧等三條高速公路,318、104等兩條國道貫穿東西,杭長、杭宣兩條鐵路及寧杭高速鐵路穿越期間,距上海、杭州、南京、蘇州等城市均在200公里之內,現為國家AAAA級旅游景區。 聯系人:張云 聯系電話:0572-2151609 傳真:0572-2159907 E-mail:sinsin318@hotmail.com 通訊地址:浙江省湖州太湖旅游度假區招商局 郵編:313000
Project No. 32
Project: High End Healthcare and Elderly Care Project Industry: Service Sector Project Site: Huzhou Taihu Lake Resort Project Background and Conditions: The resort boasts rich tourist resources, such as Tahihu Lake, Bianshan Mountains, hot springs and wetland etc. Huzhou city works toward the goals of building itself into a modern lakeshore city and an excellent tourist resort. With the acceleration of the population aging process and improvement of people’s living standard, high end elderly care must be demanded increasingly. Huzhouo Taihu Lake Resort with beautiful eco-environment is located in the central region of Yangtze River Delta, enjoying easy access, which is an ideal place to implement a healthcare and elderly care service project. Project Progress: Tahihu Lake Resort can provide the land needed for construction of elderly care and vacation project. The infrastructure and supporting facilities in the surrounding areas have been completed. Plan of Implementation: The project is planned to cover a land of 20 mu with a total investment amount of USD 25 million. Co-operation Form: Foreign wholly owned Preferential Conditions Contributed by Chinese Partner: The foreign investors for the project will enjoy preferential policies. The resort administrative committee will assist the investors in arranging relevant formalities and offer one-stop service. Status of Chinese Partner: Huzhou Taihu Lake Resort, a national AAAA level scenic spot, is located at the southern bank of Taihu Lake, the third largest freshwater lake in China, lying at the northern part of Huzhou city proper. The resort boasts a water area of 300 km2 and lakeshore line of 64.8 km long. The three expressways, two state highways, two railways and one high speed railway traverse the city. It is within the reachable distance of 200 km from Huzhou to Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and Suzhou etc. major cities. Correspondence: Contact Person: Zhang Yun Telephone: 0572-2151609 Fax: 0572-2159907 E-mail: sinsin318@hotmail.com Address: Investment Promotion Bureau, Taihu Lake Resort, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Municipal Liaison Department: Huzhou Municipal Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Address: International Trade Plaza, 237 Fenghuang Road, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province 313000 Telephone: 0572-2191005 Fax: 0572-2103388